Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
Cyber-Yakuza | 2D Animated Intro |

Cyber-Yakuza | 2D Animated Intro |

by 4RR4JAUHER on 8 May 2024

Cyber Yakuza is a student film created by Martin Kulevski, Arra Jauher. It is a 2D animated intro sequence that showcases two characters living different lifestyles until they cross each other's path.

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What is Cyber-Yakuza?

Cyber-Yakuza is a 2D animated intro sequence that is entirely created within After Effects and uses multiple seamless transitions to ensure continuity within the animated short!

Cyber-Yakuza takes place in a Cyber City Utopia that showcases two characters living different lifestyles and later on eventually crossing paths with one another.

This was made as a student film for JMC Academy, the creators of this short film (Martin Kulevski and Arra Jauher) wanted to portray a unique style for their 2D animation and wanted to challenge themselves by creating it entirely on After Effects.

The Mercenary

A young rookie in the mercenary business. His job is to eliminate his targets for a sweet sum of cash.

The Yakuza

A man who would put his whole life into the Yakuza family. He has a set of rules and knows the consequences of being in such a family.

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