Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
Attack Combo

Attack Combo

Chua Cui Shan, Kelly
by kellychuacs on 12 Apr 2024

3D modelled assets for game done during the 1-year Game Art diploma at 3dsense Media School.

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Attack Combo

My favourite animation assignment throughout my time in 3dsense. As a kenjutsu practitioner, this project provided me with the freedom to incorporate some of the techniques I’ve learnt into an actual animation which was really fun to act out. The attack combo starts with a 2-hit light attack across the body from the shoulder into a heavy jump attack before it settles back into the idle pose.

The main challenge I had with the project mainly came in the form of making the spacing between the attacks feel natural, especially when it came to the jump attack. Honourable mention goes to the follow through and overlapping action for the other set of struggles I remember going through the most from animating this assignment as I spent a good amount of time figuring out how the hair should move in relation to the motion of the body.

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