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Titan Serum

Titan Serum

by arjunms on 5 Aug 2023

A set of tools used in the manga/anime attack on titan.

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Titan Injection - Attack on Titan Fanart

This project started from a single concept art I saw on Twitter. I loved the manga and anime so I wanted to try and get the renders looking as realistic as possible. So before getting into blender I surfed around a little bit and gathered a bunch of references that would be of use.

The first version I had come up with felt a bit too much blocky. It did not seem something that would seem normal in the real world. So after a lot of messing around with the mesh , putting curves and depth to the model, I got a version that was acceptable enough.

For the texturing process, substance painter was used. Since I was only intending to use these for renders, I wasn't that worried about the polycount. In the end the total came around 110k verts. Most of these were shared between the two cloth meshes on the box.

In the concept art both the syringe and bottle had writings in the fictional language called "Eldian". I once again searched around the net for something I can use, so that the text there wouldn't be complete gibberish. Finally I got this image decrypting most letters needed, by a user called Kechuppika on Deviant art.

After setting up all the textures and lighting and atmospheric fog volume in blender I noticed that the fluid I put inside the bottle was not looking quite as good as everything else. And at this point I didn't want to spend more time on this anymore, so it was removed.

The final renders came out looking quite good. Considering that I don't get time to work on personal projects like this much nowadays, it was quite a satisfying project in the end. Although next time I want to try and work on something that involves fluids and transparent materials, since that's an area which I really don't have much experience around.

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