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Overlord Engine Editor

Overlord Engine Editor

Ruben Vandermeersch
by ruvah on 21 May 2019

An editor for the Overlord Engine as my project for Graduation Work. I chose this project to broaden my skills. I had never played around with GUI libraries before and I wanted to explore the area of tool development.

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-hierarchy panel: Allows reordering of gameobject, set parent/child gameobjects, right click opens a menu to add empty gameobjects

-Inspector panel: display and allows editing of components that are supported and objects name. This is an feature I would certainly revisit as the system of making an inspector version of each component to allow it being presented on the panel is isn't convenient and quite naive. Reflection is certainly a way I could have used to solve this problem better. I also should've researched this more and looked into what other engines use to solve this.

-File explorer: Allows for browsing and creation of new folders and files under the root of the project folder. Files are saved in yaml.

-Saving and loading projects.

-Undo and redo.

-Docking and resizing sub-windows

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