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Kyoto Kifune Shrine - Unreal Engine Environment
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Kyoto Kifune Shrine - Unreal Engine Environment

by DToland, MichaelG, RMatthews776, and maxmcgookin on 23 May 2022

This is my portion of a student collaborative project involving Virtual Production and Unreal Engine to create a photorealistic environment using references of a real world place (Kifune-jinja Shrine Rear Shrine, Kuramakibunecho, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto, 601-1112, Japan)

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Update - 26 Aug 2022

Finished Product

The final outcome of the Unreal Engine project on the Virtual Production screen.

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Update - 23 May 2022

Virtual Production Environment

This is the work I have created as part of a student collaborative project involving a Virtual Production wall and Unreal Engine 4.27. The assets I used were from Quixel Bridge/Megascans, while I also developed a block out of the rough scene using Autodesk Maya to accurately recreate the environment shown in the reference images. Some assets created for the block out were used as stand ins as the final assets were not ready.

The below images are references sourced to create the basic block out, then I kept it to the side while placing the assets in Unreal Engine for more accuracy.

(References are not my own, courtesy of Discover Kyoto)

For anything  not shown in references I used the Google Maps street view to look closer:,135.7651076,3a,78.8y,189.71h,76.08t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipMmSKxPASTv37XaOA4-fXzaM6k4ODXbH4Mlif1E!2e10!3e11!!7i10240!8i5120

The below images are renders from Unreal Engine using the mentioned assets.

Although this is not the final outcome, I am proud of how quickly I was able to pull together a block out, Megascans asset library and composite them into a scene. There is more work to be done that will be shown in future updates.