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Anura - RPG Frog Game
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Anura - RPG Frog Game

by danduw on 22 Apr 2020

An RPG experience set in a world inhabited by Frogs! From friendly frog folk to dangerous beasts, the Anura RPG Game project being developed by a team of Hertfordshire University students looks to offer an expansive RPG world with an amphibian theme.

27 6420 2
Round of applause for our sponsors

Update - 1 Jun 2020

It's finished! Thank you to everyone who has been following our devlog on this project.

Final Contest submission to the Rookies is UP! Been quite the ride, so go check out the final project in the link below.

Rookies Submission Link

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Update - 20 May 2020

Anura Gold Submission

You've seen our Alpha and Beta, now the team is proud to present our Gold submission. Next is our Rookies submission! More to come, so look out for more!

Update - 28 Apr 2020

Update on newly created Shops environment -

Dressed and created by Daniel Hill, using assets by Callum Beadle, Aritz Sanchez, Lisa Blackwell and Carmen Preece on the Anura Team. Real time fire effects and dust effects created by Sam Mayson on the Anura team.

Here is a more 'lightened' up version of the mutant frogs for you to see them more clearly!

Sam Mayson's Water Progress Video

A Closer look at the characters created for Anura!

Update - 22 Apr 2020

Anura - Frog RPG Games Project 

Anura explores a medieval RPG adventure with a frog twist. Quested with finding answers to your mysterious birthmark, the player is faced with exploring the infamous Greymire, an island torn by conflict and dark secrets. Which questions will be answered? You will be greeted by mysterious and colourful characters, it will be your choice who you choose to help.

- Team -

Daniel Hill - Team Lead, Character Art, Concept

Mack Foley - Environment Art, Character Art

Lisa Blackwell - Environment Art

Carmen Preece - Environment Art

Aritz Sanchez - Environment Art

Callum Beadle - Environment Art, Materials

Sam Mayson - VFX Art

Our Goal for Anura is focusing on creating a playable game environment, including simple RPG mechanics such as inventory, money, purchasing and quest taking mechanics. Our aim is to present an experience similar to levels seen in a modern RPG Adventure game, we are looking to immerse the player in an environment and atmosphere as close to the real thing as we can. The project has been in development since last summer, developing the environment, the player and the NPCs seen.

Dev Playlist

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