Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
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I remember my first time playing Super Mario 64. I instantly became immersed in the environment and the world that I was playing in. I very quickly realised that these media forms could make you believe that you were involved in alternate realities and that is what truly fascinates me with the entertainment industry.

When I was year 5 at school and first heard you could make video games for a living.

From a young age I have had a passion for video games and a highly active imagination. I have always had the passion to create games from the worlds and characters I build on a day to day basis. It took me a few years to realise this wasn't just a fantasy and I could make this a relality.

From a young age, I have always had a passion for video games. I have always wanted to make engaging replayable experiences that echo the classic titles from the PS2 era of gaming. I have gone on to lean the fundamentals of design from the University of Suffolk and competed in game jams and competitions to further my skills and give me the ability to create games.

I was seven years old when I got my first video camera as a present. I then went onto filming and interviewing everything that moved, including the family pets. This led into creating content and vlogging on social media channels. I made a short film in 2018 about the dangers of social media entitled 'Dear fake smile I'm not okay' which was picked up by our local BBC radio programme which interviewed me. I've just finished Uni where I took a degree in Visual effects and post production {film}.