Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
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Search Filters: Universidad San Francisco de Quito
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Since I was a kid, I had a huge passion for drawing, movies, cartoon series and videogames. My passion grew, as the time passed and when the time came, I decided to study Animation at Universidad San Francisco de Quito. Since then, I have been developing my skills, as the only thing that I have learned for sure is that you never stop learning!

Since I was little I enjoyed every form of art. My dreamed profession was to be a painter, an artist, I would say I am one, just not in the traditional way that I once had pictured. So, with that background in mind, imagine the joy when I discovered I could study and later on be able to work in the studios that created the films and stories that inspired and shaped my childhood. I would say, since then I realised I would love to work in the creative media and entertainment industry.

Since I graduated from high school I knew I wanted to do something in front of a computer, but I didn't know what. Mixing my computer skills with my passion for videogames helped me discover my career path. You must love what you do!

When I fail in Architecture and I understood the importance of digital content

At first i didnt know you could make a living from this, and the moment i found out i realize this was my future