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I wanted to do original artwork since I was 12 and since then I have not stopped practicing

Having been invested in the field of art since the very begining, it was around mid-highschool that I realised I want to be a part of the creative media industry, specifically video game concept art and illustration.

It was around 5 years ago when I figured out there's another way to work in the gaming industry besides programming and was using a skill I had developed since I was a wee child - drawing. As a kid, I used to redraw pages from comic books where I didn't like the narrative and replace those with my own take on the story. Later, I developed a passion for games and decided to pursue coding while in high school, and then in uni, I decided to give art a shot so I enrolled in UNArte in Bucharest.

I think that i begin realising that i wanted to work in this industry the moment i had the oportunity to work in workshops, it made me realise that i really had a lot of fun working in the 3d media

When I was a kid I loved drawing and playing games. In the 9th grade I decided I want to be a concept artist/illustrator, but later at the end of my 2nd year of university I discovered 3D. So, over almost a decade-long academical art training, I found my true passion, making characters for video games. Since then I've been pursuing a career as a character artist .