Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
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Search Filters: The Los Angeles Film School
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I've have been some what artistic growing up, but really neglected the talent. I wasn't seriously into art until years later when I was starting to transition out of the military. During that chapter in my life, I was becoming super depressed and turned to playing a lot of Destiny. After a while, I really started to feel that "want" to better my artistic skills and get into creating things for games. About a year after being out of the military I decieded to take that dive into digital art.

The first time I realized that I wanted to work in the creative media and entertainment industry is when I took my first 3D animation class in high school.

If you're interested, here's my artstation: If you want to contact me for any reason, LinkedIn or e-mail will do the trick, I'm never on here.

A love of film and story telling for me starts with picking up the book, Behind the Scenes or perhaps it was making of... the empire strikes back, in the 90s as a kid at a library where my Mom encouraged me to find a book to read while she studied her own books and interests. This was the only thing star wars I saw, and while the complexity of the text was a bit beyond me, the pictures where inspiring in a age before the Internet was so common and necessary with things like YouTubes to show us.

5 years ago when I first came to the U.S

I had a realization that i wanted to do Fx when i saw the first Iron Man in 2008. I didn't act on it because there are always people around you influencing you to play safe than heading on directly on what you wanted to do, so i enrolled in something closer to it and something that made sense at the time, that would maybe help me pursue my goal which was working in the Entertainment Industry and it surely did! Here i am living in a day and age where a mere code can change the whole ordeal.

I was fresh out of the military and I always curious on how vfx was made so i decided to go to school and fell in love with it.

Hello, I have always had that dream of being a storyboard artist and 2d animator for Walt Disney Animation Company. Since I was in middle school all I ever did was create stories and draw characters.

I have always wanted to create worlds and had this wild imagination but was always turned away from being creative. Then came a time I needed to go to school but was lost at what I wanted. Then I started to attend school and the drive of what I want was found.

When I felt passionate about the artistic approach I saw in animated feature films

I first realized I wanted to work in the creative media and entertainment industry when I started streaming on twitch in 2015. I had always been into graphics art and sketching, allowing me to explore a greater reach of like-minded people. This turned into a passion of me going to school for digital film and then learning how to become a 3-D artist for visual effects in cinema.