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Search Filters: SAE Institute Munich
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From the earliest moments I can recall, art has been a part of who I am. While I enjoyed drawing, it was the world of 3D that stole my heart. Exploring games, I came to the realization that what really gets me excited is not only playing them but also contributing to their creation.

I was in Art Class and enjoyed playing games, which is why i wanted to try make my own games.

Since I was a kid I have been into drawing and enjoyed doing creative projects in high school. I went to Japan to study game art for my diploma, which focused on the broad aspect of digital asset creation including 2D and 3D. After graduation I got a job as a real-time VFX artist and learned to use it on Unity and Unreal Engine (even only for a while). In my project I worked with Unity and now I am learning more advanced stuff and deepening my knowledge about game asset creation.

I realized my passion for the creative industries after graduating school. From a young age, I harbored an innate interest in art, with drawing becoming an integral part of my daily life.