Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
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Search Filters: SAE Institute London
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I first realised I wanted to work in a creative industry at around the age of 14-15 when I was choosing which GCSE’s to study to help direct my future career path. As someone who loved to create and was constantly absorbed in immersive fictional worlds, a career where I could help produce what I loved that others could enjoy, was the obvious path to pursue.

I’ve always been creative, but I’ve also always just done it as a hobby. It’s only in the last few years where I’ve really wanted to delve into the possibilities of a creative career. To really get my work out there and improve my skills.

Since I was young, I have always been very connected to the arts. From the visual arts, which gave me strong notions about drawing and painting. Audiovisual, Sound and Image (Cinema & TV). And all this academic trajectory guided me to Game Art, which is where I feel I should be and I finally feel accomplished.