Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
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Search Filters: Mediadesign Hochschule München
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I have been drawing all my life and when I saw that it was possible to study something related to art and games, I knew that this was my dream job. Since then, I've always been working towards this dream, even if it has changed a bit and I found my passion for stylized 3D :) Various games I played had a huge impact on me and influenced my art style. I finished my studies in March 2023 and received my B. Sc. in Game Design & Art from Media Design University for Applied Science in Munich

I've always enjoyed being creative. As a child, I used to draw and craft a lot. When I discovered gaming as a hobby, I also had the desire to create these worlds myself and so I came across 3D Art during my research. Since then, I've actually always been involved with it. And after school, I decided that I wanted to follow this path professionally.

The moment I saw the Patronus doe effect in Harry Potter 3, I knew I wanted to grow up and do "that" as an adult. Even though I didnt know then that it was FX I wanted to get into or even what and how I should learn to become an FX Artist.

I started out at age of 13 and since then I loved to develop new Ideas and bring thoughts to life.