Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
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Search Filters: Louisiana State University Baton Rouge
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I decided in elementary school I wanted to be an artist, but it wasn't until High School that I decided to be in the entertainment industry. My interests have bounced from animator, to simulation, to 3D modeling, and now recently virtual production.

During a trip to Disney World my freshman year of high school, I purchased a book: "Star Wars Art: Concept." It opened up the world of art in the entertainment industry to me, and kickstarted my passion for concept art. From rough sketches to fully rendered character sheets, the work of artists like Ian McCaig and Ralph McQuarrie inspired me to pursue a career in visual development and storytelling.

All my life I was a curious guy. I asked a lot of questions and stayed very aware of life going on around me. I would take things apart and put them back together just to figure out how it all worked. This excited me and made me feel more secure about how I lived my life. I love structure, productivity, attention to detail, and simply the mastery of a skill. I am always looking to be the best in everything !

I've always known I wanted to be an artist, but wasn't much of a traditional media artist. I'm fascinated by technology, especially games, and I'm interested in the interactive relationship between the player and the art. Games are something that people connect to in a deeper way than almost any other media. I realized I'd love to contribute to something special to so many people, including me.