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Fell in love in 3D after discovering Sculpting. Art was always present since my childhood

Since I was born I knew I wanted to make something creative out of my life, and because of that I have been able to experiment in many fields that have made me grow as a professional.

Since I was a kid I had a strong imagination and an ability to visualize things before they exist and feel them, especially for environments. So I decided to try in the video games/ cinema industry because I really loved the animated movies growing up and still today. Not only the Disney movies but TV shows and animes (japanese) from movies to series.

I wanted to do an artistic job since I'm a little girl, but always changed my mind about the specifics. As the cinema industry offered more and more sumptuous images, I jumped on the Pixar In A Box courses as a teenager and went for 3D animation studies in Montreal. This is how I discovered my passion for rigging!

My artistic journey started when I was 10, watching cartoons and anime on TV. Animation sparked my interest and motivated me to learn how to draw, first as a hobby, then as a growing passion which brought me into the multimedia and entertainment industry. After studying for 5 years as a multimedia designer in Switzerland, I finally found my way in Montreal as a 3D environment and level artist for video games.

Along the way of one of the game I played. Be it the amazing interior Level Design of a Bioshock or the mesmerizing maze of a Super Metroid or Hollow Knight. As soon as I understood that Video Game are meant to convey feelings and experiences more than pure "play time", I knew I wanted to do precisely that!

I have always wanted to work in entertainment in its various forms. I have been on stage a lot (drama courses, improv, choirs, musicals... you name it !) I also have a great interest for creative writing. I wanted to learn how to make games to write stories to tell, to make people laugh or cry.

After being accepted at a graphic design school, I realized that there were too many restriction for my creation and after watching spiderman into the spiderverse, I was fascinated by how everything was thought out and how they managed to come up with a different style

As a passionate artist with a deep love for animation, I embarked on a journey to pursue my dream, I became aware of the vast possibilities within the animation industry. As I aim to secure junior roles in studios that align with my vision and values, I value the opportunity to work in different pipelines and environments. Continuous learning of new technologies and software is crucial in the ever-evolving field of animation, which keeps the work interesting and stimulating.

As far as I can remember, my interests have always been in creative and scientific fields. At the age of 18 I started studying 2D art and then discovered a passion for 3D through my school. A year and a half ago, I got into Tech Art and found it to be the field I'm most passionate about.

Coming from a family of traditional painters, I've always been immersed in it. But I wanted to continue it in a more modern way, something more like myself. In the journey of discovering myself, I learned about digital art, photography, video games, editing, movies and 3D.

I started to be interested in vieeo game development when I was part of an esport team on CSGO I analysed the maps, understood the level design and the game design choices

I am a Game Designer with technical skills and a background in programming. I started studying programming to get into the video game industry, but after a few years I decided to go for Game Design. I studied for 2 years at Isart Digital Montreal and a 3rd year for my graduation project which won the jury's choice award.


I realized that CG was my passion and that I wanted to be in this industry at age 17, I was really interested in art, music and creative domains, and also spent a lot of time playing video games, so I understood that I wanted to be a part of this industry to combine all my passions. My years of school developed that taste of playing and learning, and are making my desire to work in studios and to create tomorrow's video games.

5 years ago before entering the school. I always wanted to do something for the video games but I didn't know if it was programmation, game design or art. After failing entering a programming school, I tried Graphic Design but wasn't fond of it. I wanted to do art, but art for video games, and therefore I applied to the school I wanted and got it.

I started very early to create worlds for video games without even thinking about it. I just liked a lot some games, and when I was not playing I was drawing the stuff that I thought was cool and I started imagining what was waiting for me next in these games, or maybe how I wish some things were different. When I started to hear about 3d art it felt like the obvious direction for me. I didn't know much about it except it wouldn't be easy but I was really excited to try.