Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
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Search Filters: Hochschule Luzern - Design & Kunst
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The entertainment industry amazed me from the moment I realized you could make a living out of art. Even though I had no clue where my fascination would take me. It was only during the start of my studies that I discovered the amazing world of CGI and realized what exactly I was passionate about.

I come from a background in economic information science. As I am interested in scientific branches and computer science, I graduated in a commercial school of economics with a focus on computer science. During which I absolved a 1 year internship in the city administrations IT support department. Following I absolved a one-year preparatory design course, an art foundation program in which a wide spectrum of applied arts are being taught. This opened my door for artistic jobs and studies.

During my teenage years I found my creative side. I was always drawing and doodling while in Middle School. During my Pre-Studies at the University of Arts Zürich I started to branch out into different techniques and also tried out Cinema 4D. I emideatly fell in love with the 3D workflow since it combined my affinity for technical problems and 3D thinking with the creative side of creating characters and stories.