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I enrolled in University to get a degree in Game Design. During that, we had to take classes on programming and art to be able to communicate ideas better. After three terms we had to choose a secundary focus. I chose game art. During the rest of my degree Concept art started becoming my focus and passion. The deciding factor was while I was working full time for one term, I was exited to get to work every day.

I studied in Academy of Fine Arts in Scenography department, and that's where I gained my experience working on movie sets as set or costume designer. It helped me to learn on thinking how something I design than have to be built physically on set and how it supposed to work. Than at the end I decided that I enjoy more designing process than being actually on the set. So I decided to shift into concept art world.

I used to draw a lot when I was a kid, but then I don't know why and how, but I neglected my hobby. When I was 24 I decided to change something in my life and start to do something that give me more satisfaction. After this 4 years of learning, practice and hectolitre of coffee I finally achieved one of my goals, which is making an art for a living.