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Back in school I specialized in graphic design for 5 years. But after a while I realized that this industry doesn't really full fill my expectations. I love to watch movies since I was a child and saw "Lord of the Rings" for the very first time. Since than I'm a huge fan of cinema and love to see imaginary worlds and creatures come to life! Because of this I decided to study computer animation and learning as much as possible to work at the entertainment industry one day.

About 2 years ago

I grew up spending alot of time playing games. One day my uncle asked me why I don't create my own games, if I am that intrested in this industrie. This conversation gave me the energy to make a step in this industrie.

I've been dreaming about it for a long time now :)

The passion for Animation, Games and Fine Art is one of the most important parts of my life. When I was 13 years old I used Blender for the first time. Since then I knew that I really want learn more about the field of computer animation. That lead me to FH Salzburg, where I am currently studyig MultiMediaArt/Computeranimation.

In higher technical college