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I first got interested in the creative industry when I was in my last year of High school. I remember finding this amazing fanmade render of one of my favorite games and went down the rabbit hole trying to find out how it was made.

I first realized I wanted to work in the industry when I started studying CG at The Fashion Institute of Technology. Just taking classes,learning Maya, and working on team projects really got me interested into CG.

I have always wanted to work in a creative industry ever since I was a little kid. I have always had a passion for creating clothing as well as telling a story. Fashion has helped me through many battles with my mental health and I hope to inspire others to keep fighting.

I first realized my passion for the creative media and entertainment industry when I watched The Mummy, a film that combined ancient history and mythology with cutting-edge technology. The movie's use of, at the time, cutting-edge CGI and other advanced visual effects ignited my imagination, filling me with a sense of wonder and curiosity. The film sparked my interest in the arts and technology fields propelling me on a path towards a fulfilling career in the arts.

Since childhood, a lot of my younger years were spent in front of the television watching cartoons and animated movies. Especially back when we had VHS tapes, my mother would let me rewind and rewatch Disney movies as much as I wanted. By the time I was in elementary school, I was constantly sketching cute items from my favorite cartoons and graphic novels. I was obsessed with drawing and was constantly doodling in class and daydreaming. My imagination constantly running rampant.

Growing up, I remember I wanted to be a set designer, animator, illustrator, art director, and everything in between. It wasn't until I was finishing up my associates that the idea of working in the creative media and entertainment industry really clicked for me. I started to learn 3D rendering and modeling, which is when I realized my childhood dreams could become a reality.

Ever since I learned how to draw. I started drawing at a very young age; I'd say around 5 years old.

From the love of drawing, watching visual media presented in so many different ways and how it can be all done through technology.