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Passionate about drawing since I could hold a pencil, I grew up surrounded by cartoons, museums and children's illustration albums. It was therefore natural to make it my profession.

It started in 2013 when I learned about the Skywind modding team that were working on a Skyrim mod. They often posted developpment videos that I watched. I then started to think "hey why couldn't I learn how to do those things ?" then I forgot all about it and continued my studies at school. When my graduation date approached and I was still trying to figure out what to do in life I went to a career presentation and learned about computer graphics and game art studies.

I've always wanted to create, to inspire in the same way that I get inspired: imagine my surprise when I learned people worked to make video games !

Je dessine depuis que je peux tenir un crayon en main et j'adore créer des significations poignantes avec la couleur et les jeux de lumière des illustrations pour créer toute une ambiance. Sans parler de la composition qui est très importante, c'est super sympa de développer tout un univers rien qu'en produisant une création. Rechercher en parallèle le character design des personnages pour donner encore plus de vie aux illustrations est une expérience que j'adore développer en même temps.

I have always drawn, since I was little, I like to create worlds and coherent universes.

When i was younger i played with Legos for a very long time, building stuff, then rebuilding in my own creative way. I also mainly played a lot on the game Minecraft, and loved the building possibilities as i had fun building houses and other kind of architectural stuffs with special texture packs, mods and such. I wanted to become and architect, then discovered the video-game industry and arts schools and i wanted to try this out as i got bored of the "classic/normal school studies"

I first realized my passion when I was learning traditional painting. Since then, I've been deeply inspired by the captivating world of 2D animation and its ability to delve into philosophical topics through art and metaphorical storytelling. So I decide to pursue my education at ECV Bordeaux, where I specialized in 2D animation. Now, I'm eager to embark on my professional journey in animation, where I anticipate immersing myself even further in this enriching and dynamic field!

I started playing video games when I was 4 years old, since then I just knew that it was my thing. I started by drawing and painting but realized later that I was more into 3D art, so I joined a Game Art School, ECV, in Bordeaux (France). Now, I aspire to become a Character Artist in the game industry.

J'ai toujours aimé l'art depuis enfant. Je réalisais des stop motions en dehors de l'école. Les productions de Pixar entre autres m'ont fait réaliser que je voulais faire des médias créatifs mon métier.

I realised I wanted to work in this industry when I realised cinema, animation, video games, and so many more creative arts conveyed emotions and messages from their conception to their delivery. I find myself in the ways these industries, often narratively, find themselves communicating with their target audience.

I have always been interested in drawing and loved animated movies. Trough the years I wrote some little stories and wanted them to be animated, and here's the thing... I want, me, to be able to draw and make animated movies for the ones asking to be taken to a different dimension.

Since I was little I have been interested in the creative industry. That’s why I started studying 3D for 3 years now, soon to graduate from my Bachelor’s degree.

When I was 12 I realized i wanted to work in the cinema industry, after gratuating from a public school of cinema, I realized I missed the artistic side and choose to come back to drawing and animating.

J'ai réalisé pour la première fois que je voulais travailler dans les industries créatives suite à des cours d'arts plastiques que j'ai pu suivre à l'âge de 13ans. Le côté artistique, créatif et manuel m'a beaucoup plu

Since I was little, I've always had a creative soul, and when I had to choose which field I wanted to work in, I naturally gravitated towards art. Then, I discovered cinema and animation, and immediately wanted to make it my profession.

I realized I wanted to work in the 2D animation industry when I was 8. In front of my Nintendo Ds’ flipnote app.

I've always got a thing for art since I'm a kid. During High school when it was time to chose our future path after graduation, I've wanted to go into the creative industries. Wanted to learn how to create films, special effect and all the hidden secrets in that. I've wanted to know how it feel being part of a team that work together as one and put magic on the big screen :)!

I always wanted to create things by my own, experience creation in differents ways and express myself throught art. Beeing able to do it always please me

Depuis le collège, j'ai réalisé pour la première fois que je voulais travailler dans les industries créatives. C'était un moment de révélation où j'ai commencé à comprendre ma passion pour l'expression artistique et la création.

"I've always loved drawing, but it wasn't until the end of my high school and during the COVID pandemic that I seriously took it up again. I wanted to improve and learn more. That's when I started looking into schools in the field of art in general. As I did more and more research on different professions, the world of 2D animation really intrigued me. So, I began to explore animation studios and open myself up to this exciting world. I'm truly living my childhood dream, and I couldn't be happie

I've been a video games fan since ever, and one day noticed that it could be a path for my future.

I always liked animation movies and series but my first dream job was to be an engeneer. One day I discovered that animations schools existed so I wanted to give a try. I worked really hard to improve my skills. In my fouth year I choosed to take 2D FX classes and I loved it so much that now it would be a dream for me to work inito this specific field.