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When I was 12 years only I always wanted to do art for video games game art is my passion

Ive always love drawing but when i get really passionate about, it was at the age of 17.

Since I was a kid I loved animated movies, my curiosity has been always my greatest power. When I had around 17 years old I knew I wanted to discover the world behind an animated movie. When I get 18 years old I applied for my university and I stay. Now a days I want to create stories and a lot of art. I really enjoy creating characters either in 2D or 3D.

I think that the creative media and the entertainment industry have always been part of my personal mission statement; since I was a little kid I had dreamed of directing movies, in those years the best horror movie ever; but after a conference during my highschool I realised that I was keen on working in an animation studio; after that event I knew I had already found my professional vocation: animation.

Since I was 16 years old.... Thas was in 1994... I always wanted to do Computer Animation... but it was until last year that I had the chance to star studiyng it. I love it, this is what I want to do for the rest of my life.

Sice I was a child, I've always been interested in films, I have directed live-action short films and love writing projects, which eventually led me to the world of animation

During my last months of highschool I decided I wanted to be a 3D Animator and VFX artist.

Since I was a child I have liked science fiction movies like Transformers, Avatar, Guardians of the Galaxy, etc... The design has been present in my studies, in college I started to practice digital animation and in a subject I made my first 3D modeling, and since then I realized that it is something that I really enjoy.

I began to take a liking for the video game industry when I was a child when playing silent hill I was very impressed with the history of 3d models (of playone graphics) so I began little by little to try to investigate more on the subject.

I always loved everything made for games and films until one day that I discovered how it was made and started to learn 3d. I loved every process and the frustration while learning was enjoyable. Finally the ressults where heartfilling. Those were my signs to join the industry.

I've always feel attracted to the process that comes when creating a story; I think I knew that i wanted to seriously learn and start my journey in this amazing discipline when I started playing around with the software and learning the possibilities and also felt how every step that I take and learn makes me feel like fueled to more stuff.

During my 2nd year studying Architecture

When I was 15 years

When I was 13. I decided I wanted dedicate the rest of my life to be part of great stories that have the power to change people, to give messages that trascend and to make artworks that one day can help inspire people... just as there are artist that have inspired me.