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In 2017, I was studying to become a doctor. One day I found out about the existence of Adobe Photoshop by watching a video from my YouTube feed. From there I got absorbed first in the world of photo-manipulation, then video editing and lastly graphic design, then to find out a couple of years later about an even better world hiding from my own eyes: the world of games and VFX. I left behind my scientific studies to pursue this path.


In the summer of my third year in middleschool

I started creating from when I was a child. I knew that that will be my way, seeing my characters on the paper and giving emotions.

I think it was around the end of middle school. I liked to draw and write since I was little and then I decided that creativity would have been my field.

I understood it very early, in middle school I saw Sergio Leone "for a fistful of dollars" and from that moment I knew that anything I would do would be related to cinema. Growing up, I discovered the 3D world and I completely fell in love with it.

Ever since I was a kid, I drew a lot and liked the idea of designing creatures, props and everything that somehow could tell a story. But I didn't realise I actually wanted to work in the creative industry until I started studying biology at the university of Padua. Studying biology and other scientific subjects was something I enjoyed but not something that I would have done 24/7. So I moved to the Academy of Fine Arts of Verona and never regretted the choice I made.

Back in High school, this was the only option

I was studying italian literature but during covid lockdown i spent all my days drawing and I realised how much I needed something more focused on creativity

Ever since I started studying art in high school, and then particularly during my years at the academy

About one year ago I fell in love with Environment Art and from there my passion became more like a obsession in some cases 😅

I realised qhen I had to choose the highschool where I wanted to go that I would have loved a career in art. Only later with university I decided a more specific path, that I'm still studying on.

When I started learning the first creative software at school and I was good

I first realize I want to work in creative industries after the first 2d animation at school.

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