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I prefer to work freelance mode. Always to be practicing and styding con my own projects and in challenges.

Since I was a child, I have really enjoyed 3D, but I couldn't study at a formal school. In my country, when I was a student, there weren't any 3D schools. My father had a Sony Handycam and used it to create very basic stop-motion animations. After that, I got my first computer and started getting to know the first 3D modeling programs.

At around 17 I made my mind about dedicating my life to creating and telling stories. I started creating small juvenile novels and fairytales at 10, and then started developing stories intended for animation at 14.

I think since always. I have always wanted to be part of the industry, to learn a lot more every day to be able to contribute with my skills.

When I was in highschool I realized I wanted to be a 2D artist linked to the animation. I started drawing at 13 years old but after I grew older I realized where I was heading

I had just finished my studies in computer engineering and I wanted to take some time off. At that time I broke my back and was bedridden for six months wearing a corset every time I needed to move; it was at that time that my partner started to teach me how to use Blender- I always wanted to learn 3D Modeling but everything was so new that it gave me anxiety. I took those months to realize what I really wanted in my life, I loved creating things and I loved learning.

Since I was little I always had a passion for Technology and Art, so I decided to mix them up and ended up studying 3d Animation and Modelling

When I was able to bring my ideas to life in 3D, I discovered my passion for the creative industries. Since then, I have been merging art, architecture, and technology to create impactful visual experiences. My goal is to grow and collaborate on innovative projects, combining architecture and technology to push the boundaries of creativity.

When i met Digital Sculpting

About two years ago, when I was working on my own game.

I realized I wanted to work in the creative and entertainment media back when I was in highschool.

In school i didn't like math, biology, history or anything like that, i liked to draw, mostly, videogames or anime characters, so when its was time to choose a carrer i found one called digital animation and in there i fell in love with 3D.

Siempre fui un diseñador print, lo hice por muchos años, pero un buen día conocí C4D y me voló la cabeza, fue un flash para todo lo que conocía hasta ese momento sobre las artes gráficas y visuales. Desde ese día comencé a ver tutoriales y a reconocer mi potencial en el 3D. No me cansó de aprender siempre hay algo nuevo y sorprendente que enciende una llama en mi.

i don't know exactly. i was to little to know the exact moment.

Since I was little, I have been interested in the world of both drawing and animation. When I discovered that I could dedicate myself to this, I started to see how to improve in drawing. Thanks to university, I learned many more techniques and areas of animation.

Since I started playing video games, around the age of 10, I realized that I wanted to take a path that has to do with the development of video games or animated films.

Since I was very young, I liked animation and design. However, I realized that I truly wanted to work in the industry when I completed my thesis project. Seeing my 3D models come to life and being appreciated by others is something that inspires me to keep creating.

I always knew that I would ended up working in the crative industries whatever it was the cost, Although I didn't know what would be the career for reaching that goal, I tried with different ways to do art and be creative until 2015 where I decided to do 3d art and try to make it entirely my Job. Since these days I ve been improving and polishing my skills for archieve a level that allows me create every Art I always wanted, mainly for tell my own stories or being part of great projects.

I first realized it when I was little, I used to draw a lot but I was never very good, for the first time I was given a notebook, which I used to edit videos I had, and try to put special effects, editing, I learned photoshop, and many programs that were helping me, originally I wanted to be a FX artist, but then I got excited with the character modeling and character printing.

desde pequeño siempre me ha gustado ser creativo y me llama la atención el área del diseño

It´s been a rocky road. I went to art school, but then I worked in other areas. And a few years a go I decided I wanted to give it a try and get back to drawing and character design

When I was a child, people asked me “what do you want to do when you grow up?” And my answer always was the same “I want to be a drawer ” Hi! I’m Camila Murúa, I'm 28 years old and I'm a visual artist from Chile