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I've been creating universes since I entered high school.

I wanted to work in creative media and entertainment industry when I was in high school, because I wanted to create, to give a body to my ideas, the things I see in my mind, and share them with others, to represent the beautiful and amazing things in my head, and make people travel in them, hopefully sharing a bit of me and stuff through so they get out of it as kindof better persons.

I've always wanted to be an illustrator. I've been drawing since my childhood but 2020 and covid got me seriously learning about the drawing fundamentals. In my last year of highschool I got to know more about the animation industry, I made a presentation about the concept artists behind Into The Spiderverse and that's when I decided that I wanted to be a concept artist.

I started playing video games when I was around 5 years old, the passion for playing them never left me and I also discovered at the end of high school that creating them could be just as fascinating! I decided to study Game Art, because it was the visual part of game development that interested me the most and it will now be 3 years that I have maintained this passion, I am constantly learning new things and it’s awesome!

Passionate about video games and creation, Iwanted to give it a try, and I fell in love with 3D!

Ever since I was a little girl, I've always been attracted by handmade creations. When I grow up, it was obvious that I wanted to study design. Little by little, I worked on different types of projects that confirmed my choice.

When I was a kid, my mom explained to me how animation movies are made, frame by frame. I realized I could do it too, with my own drawings. I was especially obsessed with Scar walk at 1.01.00 in The Lion King.

I have always been drawn to everything related to creativity. It was only during the Covid-19 pandemic that I set out to learn and perfect my skills so I could live off my passion. Unfortunately, I did not have a revelatory moment because, as I have always been passionate about art in all its forms, it felt like a natural development.

Bonjour je m’appelle Alexis Picque, j’ai 20 ans et je suis en étude de Game-Design et de développement. Je suis passionné par l’univers jeux vidéoludique et de tout ce qui touche au coté créatif. Je réalise plusieurs projets liés à cet univers depuis mon plus jeune âge passant par le design artistique jusqu’au développement. J'étudie à Eartsup à Lille.

I've been drawing for as long as I can remember, and immediately found my way into graphic design and the creative professions when I left high school. I discovered a passion for motion after two years of graphic design, and I'm developing this skill to the full.

Right after leaving highschool, I started to look for a numeric and creative job where i could create stunning visual and express through different style. Thus, motion designer became an obvious job. I realized how much I wanted to create and inspire others through my own work.

Since I was 18, I've understood how the computer can help me in my creative process and what I can create with it.

When I was younger. I always thought about creative industries and art works.

I started out like everyone else with drawing, and I realized that I spent my time wondering: "what if, later on, I was paid to draw?", "what if it became my profession?", "What if I could thrive in it?" And then I stopped imagining: I made it real. Since then, from India ink to motion design to art direction, every new medium I've discovered has been a revelation, fueling my passion for the creative industries.

I decided to pursue a creative career to tell stories and share my vision of the world. Animation, particularly the works of Cartoon Network and Studio Ghibli, with their powerful messages and mysterious plots. Eventually, I found my passion in motion design, where I can convey messages by myself. In an often anxiety-inducing world, I aim to offer my audience a sense of peace and comfort, while also finding serenity myself.

I want to work in the video game industry since I'm a child. Growing up i was lucky enough to have several consoles (3ds & PS2) I played a lot of games with my dad like splinter cell Pandora's Tomorrow/Double Agent, SSX 3, FIFA etc... A few years ago, I discovered Transistor (Supergiant Games) and this game has confirmed my choice of professional career.

In 2021, after highschool, I was looking for creative studies such as a culinary school or an art school. I then start to draw a little bit more than usual in order to create a book and enter an art school.

We're a team of french 3D artist and dev with multiple passions and creative motivations.

When i have discover the wolrd of Dark Souls Game i'm fall in love for video games

J'ai toujours rêvé de faire des jeux.

Despite having always drawn and written worlds, I realized that I wanted to do a creative job when I left high school in 2020.