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We have all grown up with an environment of digital entertainment that inspires and challenges us. It certainly did to me when I was little and I've always wanted to play my part in that world.

I loved videogames from the moment I took a game controller on my hands when I was three years old, growing up with Final Fantasy, Tekken or Metal Gear Solid. Now I have played thousands of AAA and indie games which have mantained my passion for this medium. I want to continue forming part of the industry and help develop games and offer my skills as an artist to the form of art I love the most.

Since I started my 3D Animation career in 2016 and realized the universe behind all this and there I realized the number of things that are behind any production and when I wanted to be part of this.

I have always drawn and I like this artistic world! I started learning on my own, getting to participate in animated film and video game projects, now I am finishing a Master of Concept art to improve my skills and be able to participate more in different projects

3 years ago, I decided to turn my life around and at 37 years old, I found "what I wanted to be when I grew up", so since then I have been training as a 3D artist

I have always been a player. I have a graphic design degree and as I was learning more about art and design I started apreciating more the work behind the games and the desire of been part of the indistry increased.

I realized that I wanted to enter the world of art for entertainment since my first year of college, since I had a Painting subject in which we dealt with concept art and I loved that. It is true that, like many artists, all this comes from my love for video games, but also my father, who is an artist, also played an important role here.

Ive always loved digital arts but I didnt realize I could make a job out of it until I finished High School. At that time I was around 17 years old.

As a teenager, i felt the urge to represent the characters and stories i used to daydream about. I aspire to do so today and do them justice.

Ever since I was young, I thought it was impossible to put on paper everything that was on my mind. I was wrong. Since I started studying at Voxel School, I understood that creating, innovating, developing whatever is in your imagination, is possible.

I have always been amazed by animation and live-action films, and I realized I would love to participate in the creation process. Once I started university, I discovered that my real passions were immersive worlds and video games. I followed that path and specialised in 3d environments and lighting.

When I became clearer that I wanted to dedicate myself to this, I was doing my final degree project in which I delved into weapon design and discovered the hard surface, it really seemed like a very fun type of modeling to me. Watching videos and practicing, in the end I became even more and more interested in realistic texturing.

About 2 years ago

desde que empece a jugar videojuegos

I've always had a strong interest for all sort of creative work, and gravitated towards it.