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I was finishing my studies in Interior Design when I realized that one of the parts that I enjoyed the most was building things in 3D. I loved to think about imaginary worlds and build them. I saw that my passion in my profession just led to just a client accepting a project to make it in real life. One day my eyes lighted it up when I saw that I could implement my passion into telling stories and bringing people to those fantasy worlds through films.

Since I was a kid I enjoy cartoons and movies, as I was growing I develop an interest in film and tv industry. At first, I studied graphic design during this time I discover the 3D industry from that moment I knew that this is what I want to do to live

I was inspired by comics and watching Animated movies since I was a kid. That interested became passion towards 3D Animation & VFX, so I studied and I specialized in Lighting & Compositing.

Since I watched for the first time the documentary about Iron Man with the Industrial Light & Magic and The embassy studios, that was a stonehenge for me.

I think I always wanted to be part of the industry but I never thought it could be a reality for me. Only until recently I started working very hard to make this happen.

I started my artistic journey as book illustrator at the age of 6, bringing my stories of mythical creatures to life with the help of a pen and my mother. I've always loved reading stories and fairy tales, and being able to bring that to life has always been a big inspiration for me. Once I realized that the entertainment industry was an actual career choice, it's been my goal to one day be a part of it. 3D & Texture Artist, with base in Visual Development and Concept Art.

For as long as I can remember. Originally I wanted to become a cartoonist, but after being introduced to 3D modeling software I fell in love. I knew it was the only industry for me.

Drawing since I was a kid, my whole journey as an artist was influenced by the gaming and movie industry. The first decision that puts me on the track was getting a degree in Industrial Design at the age of 18, which though me a lot about concepting, design thinking, materials, and processes.

At 12 years old, thanks to the God of War series, I starting creating little stories and game ideas that excited me to be part of the game industry

We are a team of 5 Indie devs who graduated from Vancouver Film School's Game Design program in August 2023! Now, we are taking our final project to the finish line which is Steam :)

I realized that I was interested in exploring the creative industries at a young age. When I was 13 I started a course in my hometown about the fundamentals of digital art, that made me dive more and more into this world. In high school I chose to take a technical program in multimedia, because I was sure that I wanted to work with Art but I needed to understand more about the streams in this industry. After that, it became clear what I wanted as a career.

I grew up loving the craft of creative writing while enjoying video games as a hobby. In university, I took a course called 'Introduction to Video Game Narrative' which made me realize that my creativity sparked the brightest in the intersections of art mediums that form video games.

I've known this for quite a long time now. Ever since childhood I've been passionate about cartoons and videogames, which ultimately led me to realize my desire to be part of this creative world, so I began creating. Through illustration, animation, and more, I've nurtured my talents and allowed my creative ideas to flourish. Creating is where I feel most authentically myself; it brings me immense joy to be driven by my own passions, and that’s why I know that I truly belong in this world.

I wanted to work in the creative industries after I graduated from Vancouver Film School. "That place probably serves fish and chips," and it does, this makes my day. The excitement I felt while turning stories into visuals kept growing whenever someone interpreted my work the same way I thought.

When i was a kid, played the psp a lot and the games i played intrigued me and wanted to create my own game to share

As long as I can remember, I've been drawn to paper. Sketching, drawing, all I wanted was to find a career path that could best fit my artistical interest. As I grew, my passion to videogames made me push my skills further, through fan-art and illustrations of these incredible worlds I was able to fit into my screen . Throughout my enjoyment of these, I was able to find that there was a path that could eventually lead me to develop in the storytelling world.

When I was young I saw my father working in an office cubicle combing through endless documents and data and realized that wasn't the life for me.

A long, long time ago in a far, far away land (Paraguay). I grew up watching anime and playing videogames, as any other nerdy kid...I've had a pretty good career as a Graphic Designer so far, but decided to embark on a 3D Animation Journey this year :)

Since I was a child, I grew up playing video games and watching movies, which significantly influenced my childhood. It was not just fun; some of these shows deeply resonated with me. I began dreaming of working in the video game and film industry as an artist. I explored and searched for the kind of art the video game and film industry requires and I found 3D modeling where my journey has begun. With further study of 3D modeling, my interest increased, and found that I am very passionate about

I've played games all my life, but at first didn't think I wanted to pursue it as a career. After a brief enrollment in a philosophy degree program I realized I wanted to work in an industry that had more focus on collaboration, along with clearer goals and a connection to something I'd enjoyed all my life, games.

While working in the Mental Health & Addiction sector for a non-profit, I began painting TTRPG miniatures and 3D Printing which turned into a lucrative side hustle. I fell in love with 3D models, and the the amazing talent that it took to create them. I immediately began looking into schooling to learn how to create these models.

During the pandemic I played Daniel Mullin's Inscryption. I was instantly hooked and it inspired me to tie my narratives into games.