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When I was a kid I only know about cartoon . After I grew up a little I watched anime and animations . Animations are always so interesting since I was little . Back in the times , I haven't know what an animation is only knew it is "cartoon" and 'anime' but they always create mesmerized memories , animations are amazing .

When I was young, I'd watch my brother play video games, enjoying every minute. It made me dream of becoming a game designer and making my own fantastic model

I'm a fresh came out student from UNDO ACADEMY , trying to step out into the industry and explore lot more potential i can get to improve my work and what the industry need , my major is concept art , illustration , cinematic , storyboard . I'm a artist that got inspired by other artist just like others , i started drawing since i was 7-8 years old , i started digital when i was 16 and really started to put some effort into it.

im really into animation. It's packed with cool stuff about how they make cartoons and movies. Trhough my 3d animation works,I hope to convey my unique perspective and creativity,inspire the audience imagination,because I get to see behind the scenes of my favorite shows and movies.i will keep enhance my work.

I’m Siew Kai Sheng, a recent graduated from UNDO Academy. As a junior 3D modeler, I bring imagination to life through my digital creations.

When I started learning how to model, I found joy in it and wanted to develop it further.

I first realised i wanted to work in creative industries when im in young age such as 12 years old. Watching cartoons and anime and all those animated movies from disney, pixar, dreamwork studios has inspired me to create art works such as drawing, modeling etc.

I'm someone who's passionate about gaming. Gaming isn't just a hobby for me; it's where my passion lies. I'm particularly fascinated by 3D design in games, which is why I've started learning and exploring 3D design.

When I first watched certain anime series and played some amazing games, my interest in this industry was truly ignited.

at around 13/15 years old I knew that regular academics wasn't meant for me. I was better at creative works, writing and character design had always been my strong suit, so I've been attempting to follow down that road for a while. I'm still good at it, but it wasn't until I was first introduced to ZBrush when I realized I had a natural knack for 3d artwork, I was far better in a technical software than I was in illustration and have decided to pursue that path ever since.

I love games, I want to create own works, that's all

I have be in touch with 3D industry from my college. However, I had realised I wanted to work in this industry since highschool because I really love art and wanted to do those awesome artwork. Thus I keeping improve myself and humbly accepted commments from everyone.

I was amazed in 3D animation and video games in High School. This inspired me to step into the art of 3D animation and modeling.

I realized it the time when I was still an imaginative Teenager

When I was young, I expressed my desire to create a game to my parents. At the time, I never thought this dream would come true. However, when I was searching for universities or colleges after high school, I came across an advertisement for a 3D school on my Facebook page.

I love 3d model very much.

I realized I wanted to work in the creative media and entertainment industry when I was 12 years old. It was the first time I played a video game and I was deeply moved by it. At that moment, I decided that I would create my own games in this industry in the future

I would like to become an Animator, after watching game animation and movies, I realise 3D animation was fun to learn

When I was young, I grew up watching a lot of movies, mainly sci-fi action movies like Star wars, Starship troopers, and the whole of marvel movies. I've always wondered how did they create all the environment, spaceships and characters. From there I decided I wanted to create ships, aircraft, and a beautiful environment.

Become a artist not just only draw also shows own creativity artworks to represent to everyone around the world . Shows everyone passion make them love the art let them know how arts are beautiful .

Tom and Jerry was the original inspiration for my interest in animation. However, at the time, I had not yet considered pursuing animation myself. As I learned more about the field, my passion for animation grew, and I started to enjoy the process of creating it.

When I was in secondary school.