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I think i realised back in 2019. I started my journey by following a few online courses in photoshop, 3ds Max and Zbrush. Now I am enrolled at The Animation Workshop Denmark. This is only the beginning

When i was fifteen i was lucky enough to have parents who bought me a cintiq, and that made my motivation and discipline skyrocket. From that moment i knew i wanted to be an artist

Since I first started playing games by a young age. Since then I've always wanted to be able to be a part of creating immersive games and environments. Currently studying game art at The Game Assembly Stockholm, Sweden.

I attended a bordering school in Denmark called Tjele Efterskole. There, one of the main courses was Animation and I got to have Mikkel Mainz as my teacher in Animation when he was doing his Bachelor in Character Animation at the Animation Workshop. Everything from there was sparked my joy in creating characters and worlds.

From a young age I've been hooked on drawing and storytelling. As soon as I discovered the world of visual development and realized it was a feasible career path, I knew that I wanted to work in the entertainment industry. In recent years my interest in creative media has expanded into CG Art and now I enjoy visualizing stories through concept art as much as bringing them to life in 3D.

I've always loved the fantastical elements of life. When I was a child, life was full of wonder. My friends and I would imagine that we were part of the shows and films we loved, and sometimes we would even believe in the magic and attempt to make it come true. It never did come true, but I've found along the way that this industry is the place to make your dreams come to life.

Making the things I enjoy is the only thing that makes sense. It's been that clear for as long as I can remember.

I realised that I wanted to work with film in 2013, when I was studying at the European Film College. Through the years I gradually changed course from traditional film making to VFX and CG. I started studying at The Animation Workshop in 2018, and that’s when I knew that I had found the right career path.

I am been a creative for as long as I can recall, and built worlds of games, illustrative stories and much, much more ever since I was a kid. As soon as I heard about the 3D industry and what it had to offer, I found my calling to go to The Animation Workshop in Viborg, Denmark.

ever since I was a teenager I´ve always wanted to be part of this creative industry!

My path to 3D wasn't straight. I have always been a technical person and my background lies in sewing and pattern cutting. I found the The Animation Workshop by accident and I started reading up on what the education had to offer. I was hooked. My passion for 3D has only grown through the years. I'm excited to learn more and share my progress with you.

Animated media has always been what captivated me most of all, and I used to draw a lot of fanart of my favorite movies and series as a kid. In highschool I visited some Danish animation schools and found that The Animation Workshop seemed best for me. I developed my skills, and in 2018 I got accepted into my dream school. I'm excited to enter the industry in Jan 2022! Here's my portfolio:

Graduate from the Animation Workshop in Denmark. I've been involved in a variety of projects, both in 2D and 3D and also stop motion. I have a passion for the different ways animation can tell a story. I'm a driven person, always looking for the next challenge.

I've always known that I needed to work in the creative field, so I've been working with different kinds of media before ending up here, pursuing animation.

When I was around 17 years old I gained an interest in Animation, and decided to pursue it.

Looking back I've steered myself away from considering working in the creative media industry for a long time, just because I thought it would be too hard to find stable employment. After I graduated I sort of realised that where's a will there's a way; As long as I work hard (and enjoy what I'm doing) things will work out. I've applied to The Animation Workshop on a whim and after getting accepted moved to denmark to pursue my goals.

Working creatively has always been a fundamental part of my childhood. I studied traditional art at the artistic high school Leon Battista Alberti and Traditional Printmaking at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence, Italy . This very classical education didn’t mix well initially with my feral teenage-self, so I compensated my learning how to animate in my free time. As I matured, I started appreciating how incredibly complex the art of animation is, and thus I had found my artistic medium

I've been interested in art and animation since I was a child and wanted to study it ever since I found out you could.

When I realized it was a job you could actually have, around age 13.