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I have been always excited with Animation and Videogames, any theme related with animation has wake me up a curiosity, my professional career move to IT but finally I have decided to move to animation, I need to know what I be able to do on this incredible world.

Since I was little I have always liked to imagine and create things. But I realized that I wanted to work in this industry when, at university, I did the first subject with 3D software. Also when I saw that in the world of 3D there is nothing impossible. Here again I realized that 3D is the future.

I've been interested since I was a child. I grow up watching a lot of 3D animation movies like Toy Story, A Bug's Life, Monster Inc., The Incredibles.. and for those moments, I tried to figure out how these movies were made because I loved it. And now I would love to work even more on a similar project.

The truth is that it all started when I finished high school and I didn't know what to do, I decided to do something that I liked and did a higher education in video games. In that course, thanks to a teacher, I discovered what really fascinated me, 3D design, more specifically that of characters. Since then I have been training to learn everything about this sector that I like so much

I was this kind of child who spent all his time watching those books and movies about prehistoric life and wildlife animals. Then I tried to draw them. Years laters I started modeling in 3D with the same passion!

Desde pequeño, mi curiosidad me llevo a preguntarme como hacian las peliculas animadas. Por lo cual estudie animacion digital en la universidad y descubri que posteriormente me gustaria el modelado 3D. Me siento muy motivado con seguir conociendo mas de este mundo nuevo.

I have always been fascinated by the world of 3D modeling in videogames and movies since i was little, so I decided to study it. Hope u enjoy my projetcs!

I´ve worked in publicity and movie making but i always loved to draw and create characters anyway posible, i feel like beeing a character artist in animation and videogames is the perfect way to express myself.

A los 17 años me di cuenta de que qeria enfocar mis estudios en esta rama educativa pues no solo me gusta dibujar si no que el hecho de diseñar y darle vida a ideas para que existan en un entorno ficticio me parecía algo increíble lo cual me llevo a investigar y descubrir el concept art y de ahí sin ninguna diga continúe en este camino

I've always been a very creative person, and since I was a child my passion has been drawing and storytelling, so I guess I've always wanted to work in the creative industry.

I realised that I wanted to work in the creative industries while I was studying an intermidiate cycle of video dj and sound, I joined that cycle because I want to enter the superior cycle of animation 3d and development of interactive environments, there I discover that 3D modelling was my passion and I leave the idea to dedicate myselft to video post production

I realised I wanted to be a part o the entertainment industry when I discovered I could turn my passion into a job.

When i saw avatar 2009 I felt that I found my place so I keep founding new interet based in fantasy and art. I followed my art passion and few years ago I found that I wanted something to express all the beautiful and creating things In had inside of my head.

I have always been fascinated by what is capable of being done with 3D, such as special effects, movies and video games.

First contact with 3D design was around 2008, unfortunately I took the wrong career path for a while. Decided to quit my old work and life as a civil engineer, move to another continent, starting a new life at 29 years old just so I could focus 100% of my time to study and practice what really makes me passionate, 3D Design. Currently on to my second year in LightBox Academy in Madrid, Spain.

When I saw the first Pixar's short movies.

I always had a deep creative vocation in very diverse areas. 2 years ago I tried 3d modeling, and since then I'm in love

Desde pequeña la idea de crear y dar vida a todos los pensamientos de mi cabeza han sido un motor para impulsar mi día a día. Y ha sido justo ahora, cuando he podido acceder a las llaves que pueden abrir la puerta a las herramientas que lo hacen posible. Desde siempre he deseado formar parte del mundo del entretenimiento.

Since I was a little girl I loved to draw and watch animation movies. I was watching these amazing movies and was dreaming to do someday something similar. I wasn´t decided about studying animation until after my first university degree in Fashion design. It was then when I changed my way and decided to work in the creative media and entertainment industry.

I finished my arts degree and I knew that I wanted to dedicate myself to Animation, it really interested me because I was born to animate everything.

Since I was little, I have been fascinated with all artistic expressions such as painting, sculpture, movies, and photography; it was for that reason that I decided to study Visual Arts. Over time I embarked on the path of digital arts, and it was there that I discovered my passion for 3D art. My dream now is to create characters for movies.