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I started creating book covers for my partner who writes and publishes his novels. From there, a passion for visual storytelling flared within me.

When I was 9 years old I was enrolled in a holiday program at AIE, the school i'm at 13 years later. Ever since that first course I have been in love with Modelling, Sculpting and anything 3D.

When I created my first 2D animation it felt incredible seeing my art coming to life, I wanted to expand my skills further (criticism is welcome!)

I was playing videogames with my father, and realized that my hobby could create those amazing moments of laughter and fun I had while playing with him. It sparked a new drive into making my hobby into an aspect of creation in industry rather than the lonesome of hobby

Ever since I was young, I was very interested in the behind the scenes work of animated films and video games. I always wanted to be one of the people creating the animations, making the concept art, and creating the characters.

I don't even remember. I grew up in a creative household and have always loved art. I just know that I want to be able to share something I make to people who enjoy it and make them happy.

I was interested in animation and video game creation since I was young, but I had never really considered it until I heard about AIE and it made me realize that getting into the industry was achievable.

By seeing 3D and 2D Animations on YouTube.

Ever since I've heard there was schools for Digital Arts and 3D Modeling and Creation.

The first time I received a digital drawing tablet for my birthday and I knew that this industry was for me. It wasn't until I got enrolled into AIE that I got into 3D art and fell in love with character creation.

I realized that I wanted to work in creative industries after spending my childhood watching cartoons and animated movies. I wanted to make stories like that and be able to put my ideas into art.

I've been crating art since I was a child and I wanted to create games people loved

I have wanted to sense high school

When I learned about this school being so close to home and thought I would give it a shot.

I took a class offered at my highschool, which introduced me to using Maya.

I wanted to work in the creative industries since I was a kid.

I first realised I wanted to pursue animation after finishing high school. I grew up with a love for film but it never felt like an option as a career. It wasn't until I was watching an animated movie at the theatre when it finally clicked that these movies I love so much are made by someone. Once I looked into it a little bit, I found a short course at the Academy of Interactive Entertainment that gave me a taste of what it would be like to study animation and filmmaking and I haven't look back

I first started university for my Bachelors in Music and Visual Arts in 2018 still not sure where I wanted to go in the industry. I have always loved movies and story telling so I knew I wanted to be an artist, I just wasn't sure what medium. After university I wanted to hone my skills in 3D art, so I took the leap to study at Academy of Interactive Entertainment. I now know I would love to be a 3D modeler or texture artist, and one day work on a feature film along side many talented artists.

I've always been an artistic kid growing up, and was particularly fascinated by the animated movies I watched from studios such as Laika or Pixar. After completing secondary school, I decided to take my artistic passion into the world of 3D animation and become a part of the films I'd always loved.

I was previously a Graphic Designer with 7 years of design ideation and illustration experience. As I worked in multiple environments I realised I also had an interest in tackling technical challenges within the creative space.

I was fascinated with video games since I was in the 3rd grade when I received a Gameboy before surgery. Since then I wanted to play games because of the story and the visual aspect of the game. Years later when Watch Dogs came out for the Xbox one / PlayStation 4. I seen the credits as a whole because the game was that good , I wanted to see whom created this masterpiece. After I watched the credits scroll on by I told myself that one day I'll get my name in those credits.

I first realized I wanted to work in the game art industry after playing Halo 3 for the first time as a kid. I loved looking at all the incredible artwork in games and learning about how it was made. After falling off that track for a number of years, I returned to the possibility and began attending a school to learn more and found that I enjoyed hard surface modeling for environments and props.

When I first watched steam boat willy for the first that's is when I wanted to create animations