Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
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Inveterate player since my childhood, my passion for video games has never stopped growing, I want to be an actor in this industry. Curious and creative, I decided to take advantage of these two qualities to make Game Design my job.

Wanted to bring joy and happiness with games !

Drew on my own, played video games, had really captivating group experiences in my video game study as a game artist

The first time I played Dark Souls and realized that its creators actually wanted me to feel good. I thought that, hopefully, I could provoke the same way different feelings in people's minds. That's what drives me in my designs!

After learning IT and programming for a few years, I decided that I wanted to use those skills in the video game industry, which I always loved.

Just after my degree in Computer Science, I realised that I wanted to do audio work for video games

When I though about what passionate me.

I always loved drawing fantasy stuff like dragons, extraterrestrials and such, all of my childhood and teenage years. I realised that I wanted to work in this industry when one of my friends in high school said he wanted to go to a video game school after baccalauréat and it clicked with me: I saw that it was the ideal place to continue drawing what I loved professionnaly (back then I probably figured that a serious job involving drawing was like architecture or object design).

In high school, when I first started to learn python, I loved the limitless creative feeling of this domain, I made a very simple game and I loved it. Then I searched about how were created professional games way and I just loved it. I decided to join a school for 3 years where I could learn 2D/3D, animation, C#, games design, storyboard, etc... Then, I knew what I really loved and wanted to do, ART, this part was my favorite one! I'm now in ISART trying to specialize in the artistic part.

At the end of highschool after getting my diploma.