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I began fiddling around with 3D software when I was in middle school. I gradually became aware of the digital art industry and then videogames graphics specifically. I had a lot of fun and as time went on and as I built up skills, I decided to pursue it as a career path and enrolled in a Computer Arts bachelor.

Early in my secondary education I was introduced to 3D designing programmes and was quickly hooked, wanting to create ever more elaborate and beautiful works of art. This opened a world of opportunities inside my mind and since then I knew this is what I wanted to pursue.

Around age 17, when I was nearing the end of high school and I noticed that the only thing I could see myself working on for the rest of my life was creative projects such as game art, animation, or any other artistic project that inspired me.

During my teenage years

Art and animation are fields I was always interested in, but didn't initially see as viable career possibilities. I always enjoyed creating, and initially tried to make some progress with novel writing, and then webcomics, but never made it anywhere. I eventually came to realise my true passion lay in animation, and I've never been happier!

I've always had the idea in the back of my mind that creating games for future generations would be a dream come true. You see, I grew up following in my brother' footsteps from sports to video games. He was much better at sports than me, but video games, video games was where we were able to play on an even playing field. My passion for video games started at a very young age but I always thought it was a pipe dream. Something that was out of reach until I moved to Scotland in 2017.

My love for 3D modeling started during high school when I was first introduced as a part of my creative media class. I was already quite an artistic person enjoying sketching and designing, so once I learned I could create my thoughts into models and see through many perspectives I was hooked. I learned that I work best in a team and thrive when it comes to challenges as it allows me to explore new and exciting ways to create and further improve my skills.

I was always involved in creative media, growing up loving video games, but I never saw it as a "real" job. I was struggling to find my career path after high school, as I didn't find any interest at local universities. I took a risk and applied to Computer Arts program at Abertay University, I immediately feel in love with 3D and I am determined to make a career out of it ever since.

I really loved creating art at school which progressed into learning 3D at College and into Abertay getting my degree in computer arts. I was orginally interested in animation and film, being inspired by films like How to Train your Dragon and Avatar, but as a reult of going through university I have become more generalist, my interests have been in the games industry # and now work on creating game ready props.

Back in school, doing a basic games development course. I went on to an Engineering college as I believed I should go down the trade route. I found myself getting into software development and web development before applying for a Game degree at University.

I think I was 14, I remember watching an artist online do a speedpaint of a Zelda character. That basically opened up a whole world I never knew existed and being an average consumer of video games, I knew I wanted to be part of game development in some kind of way. I used to want to be a fashion designer at the time and I do think that this past interest for sure helped me gain more interest in trying concept work and illustrations as those two work well together. Drawing is drawing after all.

From a very young age, I wanted to be in the creative field as I watched shows/viewed pieces of work I wanted to be able to create pieces of work of high quality myself. This inspired me as well to pursue the creative industry.

I've always had a creative streak to me but it really started to blossom, when I first leant that games design as a field of work actually existed. Since I wasn't the best at drawing I tried to learn to code to enter that way but wasn't scratching the itch. When I was studying games design and first did 3d art it changed everything and I threw myself into everything it involved.

I watched my brother play games at a young age and was always fascinated by them. As I grew older I started becoming more and more fascinated with art and the games industry, making me want to become a part of it.

When my high school journey concluded I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, but despite having no experience took a chance on Video Game Development. Whilst I quickly learned that coding certainly wasn't for me, I rediscovered a love for art I had lost as a kid. Still, with a strong desire to make games, I began a second course in 3D Art and Animation at Fife College (Scotland) and finally felt I had found my purpose.

I realised I wanted to work in the creative media industry when I was about about 15 and learned about 3D software for the first time.

When I was choosing between universities during my international Baccalaureate in 2017 I discovered the sheer variety of positions that fall under the GameDev umbrella. It was then when I decided to pursue game design. During my studies at University I understood that my interest lie primarily in environment and level design, so I focused my ambitions further.

I was in college when I realised I wanted to work within the video game industry. At the time, I was studying Art, Design and Architecture and would play games in my spare time. One day while I was playing Guild Wars 2 I was admiring the concept art they show when you fast travel, and I thought to myself “Wow, someone actually WORKS with this.” The thought of developing creative worlds and experiences for others really excited me back then, and it still does!

I've been interested in the cretive field every since I was a child, well a smaller one, and it sarted to me playing games but I further realised that soon I wanted to be the one to make them so graduating from secondary I started to pursue Games Design in college and I found myself best at 3D work.

In high school, maybe before that I chose to study graphic design when I was 15 yrs old

Once I realised that fine art wasn't the only pathway for an artist I was determined to get into the creative industries. Whether it's animation or games, I wanted to be a part of the process of creating the people, things and places within these worlds. The industry seems to be constantly growing and developing new and exciting ways to create and experience media, growing up alongside these rapid changes and seeing that development has made me want to be a part of it.

At the start of high school I picked up Naruto, which then turned into picking up drawing and wanting to do that for the rest of my life. I wanted to go into animation, as it's "like drawing but you do 1000 more", but as I've learnt more about the industry my interests have grown more strongly towards concept art. I didn't really know what I was doing though, and took about 5-6 years later to put myself on the right path.