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It was at the end of high school that I realized that the so-called "classical" studies weren't for me. I've always needed to practice all kinds of art (drawing, dance, music). Films have always been a way to escape at the end of the day, so I realized that I wanted to take part in their creation.

I found an interest about motion design during my highschool and discover years by years multiple aspects of digital arts. I finally found ArtFX during my last year, and my journey start at this moment.

Studying VFX since 2022

I always liked drawing dynamic poses and comics. Then a learned about 3D animation and understood that's what I was trying to do all along with drawing. Creating movement and telling a story. Since then I'm sure 3D animation is what I want to creat my career in.

Like lots of people in this industry I always had a passion for art, whether visual art, or music, or theatre.. But I realized I truly wanted to work in the creative industries, in the cinema or video games industry, when I understood that I wanted to give emotions through my art. I didn't only want to make something beautiful to the eye, I wanted to do something meaningful. I wanted to tell stories, to move people, to make them think, hope, dream.

When I was at high school, I had no idea what I wanted to do for a career, but at least I knew it had to be in the visual arts. At high school, I did a professional cursus in visual communication, so I was already working with software. But it wasn't until I was watching more and more films with my family that I realised that I wanted to work in the cinema, and it was in my final year that I discovered the ARTFX school and the magic and complexity of digital special effects.

When I was younger, I was immediately interested in drawing, writing, painting, filming everything, and so on... I grew up surrounded by all this creativity, and I realized that's what made me feel alive. Making a living from my passions has always been a dream of mine. It was an obvious choice to work in creative industries...

After acquiring my BTS in programming in 2017, I discovered the behind-the-scenes world of video games during trade shows and short-term internships. After that, I quickly realized that I wanted to be part of this industry.

I always had a passion for creating things, games especially. I made board games or roleplaying games. After playing a few video games that really gripped me (Herdy Gerdy, Undertale, Dark Souls), I decided I wanted to make that!

I was in elementary school when I wanted to work behind the scenes of amazing projects.

I realized that I wanted to work in the creative industries when I was a kid, and understood that a name in the credits was a potential job.

5 years ago, after High School didn't really knew what I was gonna do with my life, loved the cinema and decided to go in a school to learn, but didn't felt quite satisfied with the program so I looked for a better school and there I am !

When I was 16 years old, I was passionated by the visual effects on different movies, and I always wanted to know how it was done.

I Realized I wanted to work in creative industrie discovering blender and unreal with youtube videos.

I grew up surrounded by creativity, drawing, reading, cinema, then I found a way thought VFX to combine all my passions. Since then, my goal is to take part of big movies by creating inspiring environments !

I started when I was young with small effects in After Effects. Then, I discovered the world of CG, and since then, I have been continuously exploring new techniques. I am currently at Artfx, expanding my skills and diving deeper into FX.

I've always been passionate about VFX since I was a child, when I realized I wanted to create things that you never see in the real world.

I'd say since the day I understood and discovered this world, but video games also had a major impact on my desire to get into this field.

For as long as I can remember, I have been very fond of all kinds of art and design. Always looking for animation projects to work on !

I have been passionate about video games, animation and Japanese culture since I was little. I had no experience in art and I devoted myself to my studies after my scientific baccalaureate in 2018. Here is a link to my old works, before specializing in 3D animation.

I was just in high School when i thought about working in this field. I just thought about it as a dream and realize that it inspire me everyday and i wanted to do more than quick 2d motion graphics.

From my very young age, I’ve always had a passion for computers and technology. I started to do some montage and visual effects on games I was playing and on short movies that I used to record. From that, I chose to go to a Visual effect school (ArtFx) where I acquired the knowledge and the skills that allowed me to follow my passion to breathe life into visual assets and enrich their story further through texturing.

I have been studying computer science since 2017. In 2021, I realized what I really liked was computer graphics and telling stories through that medium. So without a second thought, I sent my application and joined ArtFx as a 3D&VFX bachelor.