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About 7 or 8 years ago I think. I found out I really liked creating stories and worlds that people could go into. I've have always been creative, but it's first now (about 3-4 years ago) I've found out what to do with my creativity, when it comes to the professional part

Since my early childhood, I always knew that creative is the only path for me

I had a troublesome start to my Twenties losing my father which led to me wavering on my path. I originally wanted to become a musician and acquired the necessary skills to accomplish that, But Depression and uncertainty ruled my everyday life. And it was not until I applied to TrueMax and got accepted because of an Open Space(I was Lucky), That it reignited something in me, A velled creative bubble that wanted to burst out. I Was 27 and lost, but now I felt a purpose.

I have always been a creative person, so it seemed natural that this would be the field I would work in.

In 2016 when I was doing a project, and I wanted to create some 3D for our group, I went home and watched tutorials for a whole monday.

when i was staring in highschool

I have always wanted to do something creative, my first dream job was a painter, as I grew I fell in love with movies, games and other platform where good stories were told. I decided in high school, were I attended a Media + education, that I wanted to work within the creative media and entertainment industry, and went off to film school and after took a Bachelor of Arts in theatre studies and are now in my last year (3,5) of 3D education. Hopefully soon, I will be out in the real industry.

I had trouble finding the right path of education and kind of stumbled over TRUEMAX, which immediately caught my interest. So I started my journey and now every day is a new adventure!

When i saw Star Wars as a little kid :)

Started editing Call of Duty videos when i was 12, uploaded it to Youtube and slowly moved more towards 3D.

Well I have always been very creative I loved drawing and I still do, In the end of my primary school year I discovered the world of 3D. It was love at first sight! So here I am doing something I truly love and enjoy, and yes even the hard times too.

My granddad worked as a architecht when i was a kid. I always drew with him and he taught me about shapes and how to build stuff out of wood. I think he started it all. When i was around 17 (2003), i started playing around with 3DsMax and Everything escalated from there.

I have always been fascinated by CG from an early childhood and love how invested you can become in a game/film and it's characters. Every detail in the design or animation is rewarding to look at because of the amount of work and thought behind it, the artists' research to bring the visual to it's full potential is a job that drives me.

I always loved movies and games growing up, they brought me great joy growing up and in my hard times of life, so it started a bit with that I would love to help bring the same experience and joy to other people.

When i saw Toy Story for the very first time...

I've always been a huge fan of computer games and movies, so growing up my dream was always about making them. But I just didn't know how, until I got introduced to TRUEMAX academy.

Because I don't have any other skills in life

5-6 years ago on a previous education where I was introduced to Maya