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It was a childhood dream to make films and invent characters. Adolescence arrives with the love of drawing, computing, and an ever growing love of cinema and video games. Now I study in mopa 3D school.

I've always loved cinema, since I was little and around 14-15 years old, I decided that I wanted to work in animation. So I looked for a school that could allow me to advance in this environment and I ended up entering the MoPA school.

Since my 4 or 5 years old, my father share with me his passion and then transmitted this envy to create.

I've always been a creative person, and as a curious kid, everything could be used to make something new. A million things can catch my interest, going from neuroscience to painting or dancing. I think working in the creative media was the best way for me to express myself, which is why I ended up choosing this path.

I have always loved the idea of working in a creative field, but up until middle school I was mostly focused on writing. Then I looked into how my favorite movies and video games were made. When I learned about 3D art and how it combines storytelling, creativity, and constantly evolving technology, I knew I had to make it my career. I still do write in my spare time.

I am interested in art since middle school, during high school I was in a design and artistic section. And now i'm studying conception and realisation of 3D animated movies!

I was watching the first episodes of Miraculous Ladybug and immediatly fell in love with the characters, the animation, the expressions and the backgrounds. It was at this moment that i knew i wanted to do this. Creating stories, characters, giving them life.

I think since always, I always liked looking how the animation movies were made. The first time I realised it what at an exhibition of Aardman in Paris

I always loved to draw, but got passionnate about art when did my first digital painting, and pictured all the possibilities that came with a software, a pen tablet, and a lot of references. Since then, I'm trying to learn as much as I can everyday, found a real passion in lighting, colors, and storytelling with those means. I'm now studying 3D animation, to learn even more about the animation and its industry, and how to bring stories to life.

I've been attracted to the art world since I was a kid, I realized I wanted to do animation when I was 13 I would say. Drawing has always been an obvious choice and 3D quickly showed itself. It's wonderful for me to be able to study in an environment that allows me to grow.

Years ago when i started my 2 years degrees in graphic design and fell in love with with this world

after I saw an exhibition of Aardman studio in Paris

When i was in college i think, i always wanted to work with computer and create things with it.

I was always a big fan of animation, but it wasn't until I was around 15 that I realised it was something I could make a career out of. I started studying a 3D animation and VFX degree in Barcelona (Universitat Ramón Llull, La Salle), but on third year I moved to France and finished my studies at École MoPa, where I graduated, and I am currently a junior animator at MPC Film.

I've always drawn. First as a comicbook artist, later as a concept artist, storyboard artist or animator, I never imagined myself somewhere else.

I grew up in a very creative family which inspired me to create stories and characters. After high school I had the opportunity to attend architecture college before my art school, where I loved to learn about creating spaces and giving a meaning to them. But I needed a bit more spark in my career so I decided to switch to my dream job: 3D Animation. Now that I dedicate my full time to creating in 3D, I can fully express what I learned before and what I aim to tell in my future creations.

When I was 10 I discovered the mighty photoshop, for years i worked towards becoming a graphic designer. When I got out of highschool I decided to try 3d and I love it ! Now I'm in my third year at ecole MOPA In France and I spend most of my freetime learning and creating project in 3d

I realized I wanted to work in the creative industry 8 years ago while watching making-of videos of my favorite movies.

I realized I wanted to work in creative industries when I was in highschool. At that time I realized I could pair both of my passions: Art and Digital content

At firts I wanted to make images for my own without any goals instead of doing things I like. Then during my first year of art school I started asking myself, how could I with my own "style" make people have feelings when starring at my images. I've learned that this is the job of concept artists and animators and since this day I'm trying my best to be a great concept artist / animator !

When I was twelve, I discovered that creating animated short film was a possible job and I’ve been pursuing this dream to one day work in this industry since then.

I was at first attracted by drawing and painting, and kept it as a hobby until I began to explore my artisitic potential, around the end of middle school. I got interested in the number of possibility that offered the entertainment industry, especialy the preproduction of film-making and video game, the idea of creating entire new worlds, cultures, shapes and concepts, and tell stories through them. I realised that creation could have a lot of mediums : Digital painting, Animation, 3D.

Really early came to us the passion of storytelling and to create unique univers, through the contact of different artiste and piece of art.