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Depuis toute petite je suis passionnée par les dessins animés. J'ai donc commencé mes études dans l'animation 2D, car animer des histoires m'a toujours fasciné. Aujourd'hui, je suis en master animation 2D à l'ECV Bordeaux, je me suis spécialisée dans le concept art environnement et le background. j'ai toujours préféré créé les décors. Je suis en train de réaliser un court-métrage de fin d'étude et suis à la recherche d'un stage pour l'été 2020.

Je dessine depuis que je suis toute petite et n'ai jamais arrêté. J'ai toujours voulue tenter d'en vivre mais ne je ne l'ai envisagé qu'en terminal lorsque, lors de journées portes ouvertes, j'ai découvert l'immense champs de possibilités de carrière qui s'offrait à moi. J'ai put découvrir, au sein de mon cursus, de nouveaux métier comme animateur 2D ou Concept artist qui sont aujourd'hui de nouveaux centre d'intérêt.

Passionné de bande dessinée depuis toujours, mon vécu à Bruxelles à réveillé cette passion. La volonté de raconter des histoires est revenue de plein fouet et je n'ai pas eu d'autre choix que de reprendre le crayon. L'animation et tout ce qui la concerne m'a passionné suite à la claque visuelle du film "Spiderman Into the Spider-verse". Je connaissais bien sûr les classiques Disney, mais ce film fut une révélation. J'ai donc par la suite commencé une nouvelle formation.

Ever since I was a little girl I loved to see cartoons like the Looney Tunes, specially because of Daffy Duck. With time I realised that I no longer wanted to just be a spectator but also someone who could give life to characters as crazy and as iconic as him. This is a career where you never stop learning and gain experience as you mature but at the same time it allows you to laugh and be as silly as a kid. It's all about discipline but also about being as free and creative as one can be.

I'm really enjoyed but riot illustration,

Etudiant en Game Art, j'aimerais intégrer une entreprise, dans le cadre d'un stage me permettant de prendre de l’expérience, dans le domaine professionnel du concept art / environnement 3D mais je suis aussi formé dans la 3D généraliste.

Passionnate about studying animation and fascinated by visual development since boyhood, I'm a french concept artist.

Passionate of drawing and video games since i'm young, I decided to make it a living. I discovered CGI at ECV Bordeaux on my secondary year, and it blew my mind. This school introduced me to a whole new world, and I want to keep learning.

At the end of high school, I had no ideas of what job I could do later, but I liked to draw (and I still do !) so I said to myself : "Why not try this way, and see what I got ?" And here I am !

I realised that I wanted to do my job because of a trip in 2014. During that time I met a team of NATIONAL GÉOGRAPHIC which did post-production on a documentary mixing 3d and live action

It started in 2013 when I learned about the Skywind modding team that were working on a Skyrim mod. They often posted developpment videos that I watched. I then started to think "hey why couldn't I learn how to do those things ?" then I forgot all about it and continued my studies at school. When my graduation date approached and I was still trying to figure out what to do in life I went to a career presentation and learned about computer graphics and game art studies.

One day I would like to be able to transmit what I felt as a child through animation, which is why I am now a student at ECV Bordeaux in 2D Animation. I hope to achieve this goal soon by becoming an animator!

Animation was a big part of my childhood when i started to be passionate about drawing. I realized i wanted to work on the animation industry when i saw the work of concept artists and all the work behind an animated film. I had the chance to enter an animation school in Lille. This school allowed me to acquire different skills and discover software like toon boom harmony, photoshop, after effect etc. My motivation and passion have grown year after year

I've been telling stories and drawing my whole life. No matter what, I never stopped being creative. Even tho I wasn't sure where I wanted to go in life, I knew I wanted to continue doing exactly that. When I was 14, I visited the company called Ankhama in Roubaix and I realized the creative industry had many paths. Then one day, I bought a copy of the book "The Sketchbook of Loish". And as I read about how she went to animation school and what she learned there, I knew where to go next.

At first, I always wanted to go on a Animation 3D schools. When I was discovers CharaDesign classes in my Bachelor 3 I knew that I wanted to do that later. Thinking that I could created character for a big movie is a fantasy.

Forever passionate about animation, I was in high school when I realized I wanted to make a job out of it. I grew up with animes and Disney animation. Currently studying animation at ECV Bordeaux, I hope you like my productions.

As a child, I've always been drawn to the emotions that drawings, films, and music can evoke. That's why I ventured into the audiovisual field, where I'm currently pursuing a Master's degree in 3D animation at ECV Bordeaux. Since I unfortunately can't take the time to make every person in this world smile, I believe that cinema is the most effective way, in my opinion, to reach as many people as possible and evoke emotions. I look forward to engaging and communicating with you! 🧐

I realized that I wanted to work in the creative industry towards the end of my adolescence. Exploring art in various forms has always been a significant source of meaning and well-being for me. A gaze upon a beautiful image is a delight to the heart.

As a child, I always loved drawing, taking photos and bringing a simple drawing to life on a sheet of paper. After taking an introductory course in applied art, I moved on to 2D animation. Today, I'm a Master 1 student at ECV Bordeaux, specializing in 2D VFX!

I've always wanted to create, to inspire in the same way that I get inspired: imagine my surprise when I learned people worked to make video games !

I always loved to draw when I was a kid, I started drawing lessons at a very young age. And I started to think about making my passion, a career when I discovered 3D at school. I instantly liked it !

When I was a kid, maybe 10 or 11, I was next to my best friend in class, and all we did was draw. The teacher scolded us and asked us what we were going to do later? I told him that one day I'd be a video game designer. This profession didn't really exist, by the way, I didn't even know if it was called that! Life turned me into an actor, and yet, today, I'm back studying in the same field that's been my dream since I was a kid. Working in video games.

When I was in high school, I realized that I wanted to make my own stories by creating environment and animation in order to make my characters live their adventures. I stil want that goal to achieve and I'm working towards it.