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I always was pretty good in art and hard working and when I have realized that 3-D industry uses art I decided to give it a try and I love it so far.

I always had a creative mind, when it was time to choose the course I wanted to follow my passions for art, animation and entertainment where my biggest influences

Throughout my life, I have always been immersed in the world of fantasy characters and the science of movement. After graduating from a circus academy as a puppet artist and completing an art university degree in scriptwriting, it became clear to me that by combining my knowledge with technical art skills, I could create an entirely new universe with unique characters and environments. The gaming industry, I believe, offers a special space where I can fully unleash my artistic potential.

Ive always wanted to work in the creative industry, drawing has always been my special interest. It what I spent most of my childhood and now adulthood doing, I couldnt imagine a world where I didnt want to become an artist.

In 2016, I enjoyed creating mods for The Sims. I realised I wanted to go past that and work in the creative field itself. I started creating artwork and 3d content for the fun of it and after studying 3D in university, I felt that I would love to do this for a living.

I have loved animation since I was a kid and saw my first stickman animation on youtube. I taught myself how to animate on Pivot and moved up to Adobe Macromedia 8 on the pursuit to make my own awesome fight choreography, this was just a hobby, I never thought anything more of it. The day I truly realised that this could become my life was when I came to a crossroad in college. That's when I decided to become a Game Designer.

Before applying for university, I took time experimenting various types of media as well as sciences. After having and introduction to 3D at high school and completing an online course in various animation methods, I was sure that 3D Animation was the boat to board on my future journey. Now that I have graduated, I aim to expand my skills in 3D and be part of new projects I can work together with a team in a studio.

The first time that I started being interested in games design/art when I was a young kid playing Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2. I spent countless hours using the map editor making all sorts of crazy ideas. I have studied at 3D Animation & Games at Middlesex University to study concept art but after being exposed to Unreal Engine and Unity I have fallen in love with creating worlds and levels just like I did in THPS2 all those years ago.

I've always been artistic and would draw and paint all the time. I started editing videos too so I realised I'd like to do a combination of both.

I grew up loving playing video games and always aspired to be the guy who could say 'I helped make that'. I love all aspects of the 3D creative process, but I specialise in Environment Art

ever since a young age

About 5 years ago, 2014 was when I got my first Graphic design comission and I've wandered into the 3D world and fell in love with it ever since.

I was always interested in media and entertainment, I studied traditional art in Moldova, and after applied at Middlesex University London to challenge myself and work in a fascinating industry that was my dream. I was always interested in two things games and classic art. Combining those passions makes me a great visual player with a deep understanding of art history and tendencies.

When I was around 17 or 18 years old, I discovered that I really appreciate the art of animation, especially all the cartoons and animated feature films I watched since I was kid until now. That is how I realized, it would be a good idea to actually work in the industry.

I've been a creative person since very young always drawing and making things

i knew i wanted to work in games since early in high school and shaped my education around it.

I wanted to do this when i was in high school i always enjoyed doing art and animation but i want to be able to make alot 3D works.

I was probably around 13 years old, when I was playing Call of Duty Zombies. I fell in love with the creativity that went into the wonder weapons seen in the game. From the way they looked and how the player interacted with them, I knew that I wanted a career in the games industry.

6 years ago, when the day came that I wanted to do nothing but art, I realized this is my passion.

Since I started my career in college where I was taught the overall process of filmmaking and have loved doing it ever since