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The time when I found the passion and decided that I want to work in creative industries as a 3D artist was five years ago. That was when I started to study computer graphic and animation. Before that time I did not have any expirience in this form of art. I always had a traditional art talent and loved to dive into my imagination. I can't say enough how much I love to create imaginary worlds, bring them to life and tell their stories.

I first realised I wanted to get involved in the creative media and entertainment industry a long time ago, however I went down another career path. I'm now back in education to up-skill and follow my dream!

Previously studied Photography, during which I particularly enjoyed photo composition. This led to me realising I wanted to be able to create my own environments rather than just photographing them.

Around 5 years ago. when I worked in many different industries and none of them gave me any fufilment. I would spend all night sculpting and learning 3D software and I realised making awesome images was what I wanted to do.

Having a love for art and games throughout my life, I thought how much fun it would be to work on a project like the ones I love playing. I started looking at bts videos on how cinematics for games and films was made which drove me to go to University to study the 3D art pipeline for animation. Having gained experience in a CGI team this year, I'm looking for the next best project to work on that will allow me to refine my skills, particularly in Creature/Character creation.

I did realise that I wanted to work in the creative very late, when a was 30 and started to study animation. I never had the opportunity to study something related to animation, I always have it as a hobby. But one day I woke up promising myself that I will at least try and change my whole life. After 4 years, I have finished my degree and I am proudly ready to have my first job in the industry as an animator.

From the age I was old enough to hold a game pad I have had a big interest in video games and digital art. I spent 4 years working in corporate IT before I decided to follow my passion for digital art and returned to higher education to study Computer Games (Art and Animation) at Glasgow Caledonian University. It has been the best decision I have made! I am finally ready to pursue my dreams of working in the 3D industry.

I first properly realised that I wanted to be a games artist about 5 years ago. I've always wanted to be an artist, but I couldn't seem to find my niche. I did fine art in college for a few years, but it didn't seem grab me the way I wanted it to. I used to dream about working for Disney or Nintendo, and fine art, though helpful for base skills, didn't seem the way to get me there. When I realised that there were uni courses made for 3D art, I knew that this is what I'd been looking for. :)

I have been interested in the art field since I can remember so naturally I started learning the basics from a young age. Then at some point I started getting quite drawn to the game industry especially the 3D modeling and sculpting field. So I decided to take my knowledge and experience of 2D traditional art and implement it in 3D. I love to learn how so many amazing 3D art pieces are done along with all the processes and techniques behind them.

From a young age I've known I wanted to work in computer games, Initially it was programming and design, but 3D Art and modelling is what drew me in the most and what I grew a passion for.

I've always been creative but several years of working in hospitality and production lines really exemplified to me how important it was to find something that you're not only good at, but also enjoy. With this perspective I've made it my aim to learn as much as I can about the games development process.

I found out about the possibility to pursue a career in the entertainment industry when I was around 14 y.o. At that time, I was attending traditional art courses which I really enjoyed but nothing we learned struck me as a potential career. As I was also spending a fair bit of time behind the computer, playing games and watching movies, I realized 3D might be the right thing for me.

I've always been fascinated by the game industry and I was just mind blown when I heard I can turn that into a profession.

I have always enjoyed animation in any form, weather it be Film, TV or games. Animation gave me the opportunity to create characters and worlds which I could the bring to life. When I was 15 I realised that I could pursue a career in animation and after completing secondary school began studying Art and Animation at University in 2019.

I have always wanted to make Android game apps and have taken every opportunity.

Around 2014, my teacher introduced me to the possibility of creating CG art using programming, and later on I stumbled across Maya, leading to me finding my passion for Computer Graphics. After doing some research, and with my already existing love for anything creative, I decided that a career in film or game art would be very fitting for me.

I always known I wanted to study something creative at university and Computer Game Art offered the perfect combination of creativity and technical skills.

I realised I would like to pursue the creative career once I

I've always been creative and realised I wanted to work in this industry during my last year of high school.

I've been a creative person growing up, doing lots of drawing and photography. My best subject at school was Graphic Communication. I thought my enjoyment of making things meant I should study engineering at university. After a couple of years, I realised that I wanted to create art and other worlds, not spend hours calculating shear strength. I began learning about 3D art at College in 2017. I'm about to graduate from GCU in 3D Animation and Visualisation.

After experiencing the sheer masterpiece of The Last of Us, way back in 2013. I knew from that point on, that I just had to be play a part in this industry and make it my career. I mean what good is becoming a doctor when you can create destruction FX instead!

When I was a kid - TBC

I realised I wanted to work in a creative field at 14.