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I was in 9th grade and while I was exploring university expos, meeting students and researching careers, I struggled to find something I could pour my love for art in. Then one day the question hit me: "Somebody must make these video games!". And this question kick-started my journey towards my dream career in games. I am currently a Visual Artist student at BUAS (former NHTV) and work hard towards achieving my goals.

Years ago I started messing around in 'Roblox', creating simple worlds for people to explore and play in. When choosing a study I quickly noticed I wanted to develop these skills further and thats how I knew I wanted to work in the creative industries.

I've been doing art ever since I was very young so wanting to work in the creative industry was an easy decision. My background in traditional art, clay sculpting and stone carving have really helped me as an artist. Video games and art have played a big part of my life and I can't see myself doing anything else.

When I was 10 years old, I found a website that allowed us to make very simple levels for a ball to play around in. I spent nearly all my free time in there for a good long while. In 2016 I started doing Minecraft animations for fun, which in 2019 I started to get commissions for. It wasn't until I had to properly decide what I wanted to do as a future job, that I even found out that it was possible to do Game-Art.

I have always loved to draw and I love the experiences games provide so, becoming a Game artist felt like a natural progression of my interests.

During my first advertising internship, I asked my neighbor, who drove me to work at 6:30 AM, why he willingly endured the long drive and early mornings. He explained that his love for the job and his creative colleagues outweighed the inconveniences. That's when I realized I desired a fulfilling career where travel and early mornings wouldn't matter.

I've been making animations for almost a year now and I've fallen in love with the work. I'm not sure what I want to specialize in as I enjoy Motion Capture as well as Locomotion animations and Acting. I'm still discovering and learning lots of cool stuff about animation!

I got into 2d animating when I was logging into League of Legends and saw their animated illustrations and thought they were cool and I could try making one of those too. It was challenging at first but as I made more pieces it got easier and more enjoyable.

When I followed the 1 year ' primary year' at a graphic design school called Grafisch Lyceum Rotterdam I realised my interest was in creative projects but I lacked the challenge in some of the curriculum. I didn't want to work as a graphic designer for the rest of my life so I chose to follow a specialization. This got me learning the first steps of game art and design. Getting to know more about how games are made got me more and more excited to work in this industry!

creating awesome games

After playing the game Nier:Automata I was really in making games myself. I was very interested into making hack and slash type of games, but during my study I learned that I enjoy making games in general!

After creating my first game

When I looked up how to make games

I wanted to create experiences for people to play around in

When i learned what it takes to create games, the fun but challenging process of creating and developing game elements, I knew I wanted to work in this industry.

During my gap year in high school

Ever since I was a child

Nice to meet you, my name is Costa. I'm a 20-year old 3d artist, currently in my first year at Buas games. I've been obsessed with videogame art my entire life, but took the leap of faith into 3d Modeling since 2020. Currently I'm experienced with Blender, Substance Painter, Zbrush and beyond. I love to create 3d artworks of Fantasy and Medieval environments and characters aimed towards a realistic artstyle.

When I was young and started creating games for my friends while we were playing outside