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The first time I thought about it was still in my childhood, when I watched the film The Matrix. Favorite game was Half-Life, then I realized that I wanted to create visual art.

I am 26 years old and I love to draw. 4 years ago, by a happy coincidence, I did not get a trial lesson in the school of digital drawing. I was not familiar with the tablet at that time, but I wanted to try the horror. Having come to school, I did not expect anything from one lesson. But it was precisely this that changed everything, and gave rise to my new stage in the development in the field of drawing. After studying 2 years at this school, I switched to independent practice.

When I was born

3D environment props artist , handpaint artist

I explored it as a hobby, then I decided to fully partake in it. Realized some day you are going to leave this place, why not do sth before you go?

I started learning 3D modelling from 2022. I devote all my free time to learning. Unfortunately, I don't have much time because I have a child. Without false modesty, I have talent. I've been drawing since I was a kid. 3D modelling is a modern art for me. I want to devote my life to art. I love 3d modelling. Also, I am interested in animation. I will study animation in depth in the near future.

The desire to create was born in childhood. At that time there was practically no digital entertainment. So a piece of paper, crayons, a collection of robot minifigures, and a friend who played the guitar is what I remember the most. I drew caricatures of my family, collided the universes of dark and good robots and played along to a friend on homemade drums. Already as a child, I wanted to create shows for people, to entertain them, to surprise them and grab their attention.

When I was a child

3 years ago, when I stumbled upon Blender tutorials. I was enamoured with friendly and big community of Blender. I quickly picked most basic 3D art skills and after I finished my first gamejam project I decided that 3D art is my spark.

I've always wanted to do something that can leave some kind of mark on my history. He was a creative person since high school, but it was only by the age of 30 that he began to realize his desires and study visual effects. That's all I want to do at this point in my life. To develop and improve in this direction.

since childhood, I dreamed of creating games

I first wanted to work in the creative industry when I was 10 years old. I wanted to be an interior designer. I did not become an interior designer, but I recently mastered the profession of 3d visualizer and am learning 3d animation.

3d fashion designer Motion designer Soft: Daz Studio, Clo3d/Marvelous designer, Blender, Cinema4d, After Effects, Substance Painter

When I was 26 years old, I tried a free modeling course. After completing the course. I decided I wanted to work in the industry because I was so involved in the character creation process that I said "yay" to myself. I found what I love, and I want to to improve myself in it.

I've always been interested in making games, but I was studying in another field. A few years ago I've decided we only live once, so I need to try and make my dreams come true.

I've always liked playing video games, when I was 17 or 18 I wanted to make my own. I started learning programming for a while. Did some programming and after a few months my interest shifted to 3D. Before that, I liked to draw and it helped a little, but I can’t say that learning something new about graphics was not difficult. In general, I am interested in many aspects of game development: game design, sculpting, hardsurface modeling, programming

I realized that I want to work in industry in August 2021. I want to become a specialist in this art in order to realize the most daring creative ideas.

My first introduction in 3D modeling was since I was 12 years old in a program called "MODO" Didn't progress much until I started using Blender at 16. At 19 years old started taking it more seriously. Learning more about human anatomy, sculpting, procedural/hand texturing and finding out more about Blender and 3D design in general. Had no previous experience with doing jobs or commissions. Currently building a portfolio and skills for a possible professional career.

When did I start playing games

I always had this idea or vision in mind about doing things like this but 2020 is when I actually started doing it

When see † Carpenter Brut † TURBO KILLER †