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When I was a middle schooler, I saw a friend of mine drawing on her paper.

Heya! My name is Vincent and you can call me "Vik". I'm an artist with an insatiable love for drawing, modeling, and animation. With a palette of boundless imagination, I bring my vibrant visions to life through various artistic mediums. Let me take you on a journey into a realm where colors dance, lines breathe, and stories unfold.

I've always been captivated by film and animation. Since 2019, my desire to be a part of the animation industry grew stronger and it lead to my enrollment in CG Spectrum's Advanced 3D Animation diploma. I learned a lot from my animation studies and only aspire to grow more as a better artist.

During my childhood years, I was inspired by games and animated movies that I grew up with, during that time, a line in a videogame inspired me to leave an impact on my life and others, I wanted to leave a legacy that people will remember me by, or create things that will touch others the way those games and movies did onto me.

I suppose from the start I've always been curious about how they made all my favorite games, movies, and TV shows. Going off from my education in Art and design, I tried to expand my knowledge any way i can for my own growth. Eventually I just realized i wanted to make this my full career, so by the time i finished high school I already knew that i wanted to be a part of this growing community.

Around the time I was in high school (2nd year or so). I chose to join in an Art and Design class. It was first just a passionate hobby that I didn't think would actually turn into anything serious in a sense of business itself, but after learning how to organize your own portfolios, dedicate your time for Art, and meeting other fellow artists, motivates me to pursue this further.

Been passionate in the field for quite a while now, started as an graphic illustrator and venture my way outwards here to 3D to specialize :)

I discovered my passion for the creative industry when work didn't feel like work, enjoying the creative process from brainstorming to bringing ideas to life. Completing a one-year diploma in 3Dsense solidified my decision to pursue the motion industry. I value the variety of projects and challenges, making each day fulfilling.

I always enjoyed anime and games since I could remember but never realize till very late in the middle of a mentorship i had when i was studying jewelry design my mentor said that I shouldn't pursue jewelry as it does not suit me and that the job for illustration and designing games existed! If not culinary. After I started playing Zelda: Breath of the Wild late in 2020 I knew that I want to go into this industry as the game made me love games all over again.

When i was in elementary school, i started drawing and i was having fun

Playing video games and watching movies made me realize my passion for working in creative industries.

I've been into art and animation since I was a child and learning digital art since late 2018.

since high school, I always wanted to enchant my craft and skill ig reiysin.png

when i was a boy, i was thinking to create my own 3D Gundam Model etc.

It started when I was in Primary School where I first learn how to draw. I was inspired by cartoons and animation movies and in one of the CDs that I bought has a documentary about the process of making the film. I was amazed by the process and I want to be a part of that.

I picked up a pencil one day and never put it down ever since.

Since i was at junior high school, i realized that i want to work in creative industries.

At first, I just liked watching animated cartoons. But when I was around 13, I became interested in making cartoons and 3d modeling.