Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!


by Max Vetter, Renske van Alebeek, Aleksandar Radulov, Anette Vávrová, Arthur Kuylaars, Bjorn Prins, Bram Lepelaar, Corne Steenhuis, Damiaan van Citters, Danielle Viljoen, Dennis Verschuur, Eric Drößiger, Erico Wiggers, Georgi Simov, Gregor de Weger, Hristo Enchev, Joan Tassov, Laura Bot, Matthijs Dijkman, Max Helmus, Mees Wendels, Melissa Ernzerhoff, Menno Verdonk, Nadia de Waal, Niels van Steeg, Quincy Daflaar, Radoslav Chardakov, Robbert Spijkstra, Robin van den Eerenbeemd, Ronny van Kuijk, Roy Bomhof, Ruben Spaander, Răzvan Cercel, Salomé Busurashvili, Sheila Stipnieks, Viktoria Vasileva, Wouter Bernards, Wouter Grutter, Yana Tosheva, Zandor Smith, and damiaan on 31 May 2020 for Rookie Awards 2020

In this cooperative third-person shooter, you take control of the P.U.N.K.’s. Rebels that shoot their way through an evil factory with high-powered paint blasters. Sabotage the tyrannical corporation and fight your way through their factory to achieve the highest chaos score!

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Round of applause for our sponsors

P.A.I.N.T. is a game in development by Plankwalk Studio, part of Breda University of Applied Sciences.

P.A.I.N.T. is an online cooperative first-person shooter where you join the P.U.N.K.S.

The P.U.N.K.S are a bunch of rebels that hang around in their ultimate hideout. They despise order and structure thus try to correct the world with their paint blasters.

There is just one thing standing in their way, the sinister S.U.I.T.S. corporation. They manufacture their mundane suits in their massive grim factory.

Together with the P.U.N.K.S. you forge a plan to invade the S.U.I.T.S. factory. You penetrate the factory door with your badass minivan and armed with your paint blaster you cover the environment in bright colours.

Cooperative Play

You can now infiltrate the factory together. The game allows you to play in cooperative mode with up to 4 players. Only one online? That is fine, the solo adventure awaits you in P.A.I.N.T.

Powerful Paint Blasters

Easy to learn and hard to master, that is the paint blaster. Use the paint blaster to bring havoc into the massive factory.

Hangout Team HUB

Get together with your team in the pre-game lobby. The pre-game lobby supports target practise to improve your skills with the paint blaster.

P.A.I.N.T. will soon release on Steam

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