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Project Exhibited

Project Exhibited

A thrilling first-person action-stealth game. Play as Dana, the inventor thief and use your gadgets to fulfill your task; retrieving a special artefact from a private art collection in a mysterious palazzo.

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Project Exhibited

In Project Exhibited, a thrilling first-person action-stealth game, you play as Dana, the inventor thief. You have been tasked to steal from a private art collection in a mysterious palazzo in the 1960's. 

You put your your mastery of stealth to the test in a tense mission.
Armed with an arsenal of advanced gadgets, you dodge security systems, outsmart the guards and make some interesting discoveries as there might be more to this artifact than meets the eye…

About Us 

We are Team Thieves, a student team who has been working hard to develop Project Exhibited for the past year. 
For this third-year project, we have chosen the brief provided by Breda University of Applied Sciences, which requested a photorealistic stealth game set in the mediterranean in the 1960s and it had to contain things like gadgets, sophisticated AI and non-linear level design. 

The team's size varied throughout the year, but remained roughly around 30 members, all with our own specialties. Even though this was quite a challenge, it allowed us to create a game we can truly be proud of!

Level & Environment

Our levels need to be non-linear and our environment need to be realistic. 
This is quite a challenge for a new student team and at the start, we especially had the question: how are we all going to work on a level at the same time?

There was one answer, which has supported us a lot during development; level streaming

The process slider above shows the courtyard of our mediterranean palazzo - one of the first areas of our game to be close to complete for our alpha. 

Here you can see the garden part of the level, which is the starting area of the game. 

As our game is not yet entirely finished, we still intend to add finished versions of our models to the environment. In the image above, there are a few examples. 

Gameplay Attributes

For our stealth game, we were requested to create gadgets. There will be three in total in our game and their visuals are represented in the image below from left to right:

1. The Shock Glove
You can use this to temporarily take out guards and surveillance cameras. 

2. The Goggles
Turn on the goggles to detect guards within a certain range through walls and other things that would block your sight on them otherwise. 

3. The Noise Maker
Throw this device to distract and lure your enemies to your desired location with the noise it creates. 


In Project Exhibited we have a variety of guards (you can see an example on the image below on the left) who patrol the villa and our main character (image on the right).

For the guards, we have utilized the possibility on our university to do face-scanning.
We used those scanned faces as a base to further adjust to the setting and give the guards a more 'Maltese look' as that is where our palazzo was located. 

The main character  - Dana, the inventor thief - is only visible from a first-person view within our game. She used to have a face, however this was very unpleasant to look through during gameplay, which is why we decided to remove it in the end. 

We have used Motion Capture to help us create the animations for both the guards and the main character. 

Are you up for the challenge?

Are you eager to try out Project Exhibited or would you like to stay updated about our progress?
Check out our linktree!



Sidal Hizlan (Producer)
Anca de Waal (Associate Producer)


Adham El Berjawi (AI/Narrative Designer)
Bob Verhoef  (Design Lead/Level Designer)
Cas Witbaard (UI/UX Designer)
Hussein Ibrahim (Level Designer)
Jesper Mulder (System Designer)
Ronny Josch (Level Design Supervisor)
Sam Minh Ly (Technical Designer)
Sule Cankaya (Quality Assurance)


Bruce van den Berg (Programming Lead)
Jonah Rutten (Gameplay & Tools Programmer)
Jorn Veen (Gameplay Programmer)
Niels Strijker (AI & QA Programmer)
Stefano Lazzaroni (AI Programmer)


Anne Schellingerhout (Animator)
Aukje Feenstra Kuiper (Character Rigger)
Bryan Boomsma (Character Artist)
Daniël Kocken (Art Lead/Animator/Environment Artist)
Dirk Lalleman (Environment Artist)
Dylan Bosschaart (Environment Artist)
Femke Libbenga (Environment Artist)
Joan Tassov (Environment Artist)
Luca Kawe (Environment Artist)
Teodor Ivanov (Environment Artist)
Timo Hermkes (Animator)
Victoria Reniers (Concept & UI/UX Artist)
Wouter Bernards (Technical Artist)


Greg Candel (Sound Designer)
Stijn de Koning  (Sound Designer)
Vincent Steenstra Toussaint (Music Composer)

Concept Team

Anna Pereslegina (Concept Artist)
Bram Lepelaar (Concept Artist)
Nadia de Waal (Concept Artist)
Salomé Busurashvili (Concept Artist)

Tech Art Team

Danielle Viljoen (Technical Artist)
Laura Bot (Technical Artist)

Additional Credits

Benjamin Tissot (Bensound)
Branko Dik
Dave Mendoza
Joslin van den Besselaar
Max de Danschutter
Noa van Kekem
Paula de Jong
Peter Gatchev
Quill Verhoeven
Sven de Wit
Timo Bron

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