Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
Amery & Winston

Amery & Winston

Sander Agelink
by agelink on 9 Mar 2020 for Rookie Awards 2020

Based on the Columbus tower in San Francisco, but set in the early 1900's. Build as modular as possible, all in UE4. GIF's and further breakdowns can be found in the article linked below!

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For modularity, I created larger tileable components out of smaller parts. These are grouped together into a blueprint/prefab with some additional randomization for extra variation.

To prove UV'ing can be fun, I added a challenge to come up with some creative applications of a well thought out UV.

To add weathering and edge wear details to a tileable texture, I came up with a way of using trimsheets as alpha maps to blend between two textures. To exclude a particular UV island, I placed them in a separate UDIM which I then exclude from the alpha map.

I was very fortunate to be asked to write an article on the modularity behind my building for Experience Points! In it, I go in-depth on the blueprints I use, nifty tricks with UDIM's and creative ways to use trimsheets.

For GIF's and further breakdowns, check out the article here!:

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