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Michelle Fu| Environment Artist | The Stranded Robot

Michelle Fu| Environment Artist | The Stranded Robot

Tiantian (Michelle) Fu
by michelle907 on 24 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

These two pieces are the final projects of my work for the second and third terms in the Think Tank Training Centre online program. Each project brought its own set of challenges and valuable learning experiences.

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This was my final project for my advance-term in the Think Tank online program, and it was very challenging for me.

It was the first time I used GAEA to create terrain. To better match the concept art, I sculpted the terrain details into a displacement map using ZBrush. For the textures, I used Mari's Spec-Gloss workflow.

I created all the assets in this project myself, except for the plants, ships, and smaller rocks, which I sourced from Megascans

The blue parts you see in the close-up were all manually drawn by me using Mari's projection function. These hand-drawn totems not only serve as a diffuse map but also have corresponding displacement maps and separate Spec-Gloss maps.

This was my final assignment for the second term of the Think Tank online program. The entire project took a month to complete, and I created all the assets independently.

This is the result of my direct rendering with MAYA-Vray using fog volume. The lighting and depth of the space are not fully shown, such as God rays and the camera focus on the truck, and the fog in the distance. So, I used Nuke to make the piece look more complete.

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