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Eris and Usagi

Eris and Usagi

Migle Butkute
by MigleButkute on 23 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Valorant agent designs. Featuring Eris and Usagi.

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This project was completed during my final year of at Staffordshire University. I chose to create two Valorant agents from scratch, including abilities and splash arts.

This had been a project I was looking forward to, as I finally got to work on designs for a game that I personally enjoyed playing, and was very familiar with.


I explored shape language with this character and took into consideration her abilities and play style in-game. Because this character would be a duelist, I chose sharper shapes for her design.

Colour exploraitons for Usagi.

Turnaround for Usagi.

These are Usagi's abilities. It took a lot of trial and error to get here but I love the characters aesthetic. I tried to make the characters movements look quite elegant yet confident.

Context for abilities


This characters playstyle is less aggressive compared to Usagi's, therefore her shape language had to be less sharp. Eris is more of an initiator type character.

Once the design was chosen, I moved onto colour explorations.

I had a very difficult time choosing this characters colour palette, because so many of the colours looked good, so I relief heavily on peer feedback, as well as the characters personality.

Once I had the turnaround completed, I moved onto her abilities.

To wrap up the project, I created some website mock-ups of the two agents.

In-game spray/graffiti for the characters, for fun.

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