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Cory Harris - Concept  Art portfolio

Cory Harris - Concept Art portfolio

Cory Harris
by CoryHarris on 23 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Hello! I'm Cory Harris, concept artist soon to graduate from Staffordshire University! This is my entrée to the Rookie Awards 2024 including 3 projects that I made this year. These include Arawn - the bounty hunter, Urban Shell - Co-op horror/shooter, and Atlas - stealth action cyborg

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Arawn is a fearsome bounty hunter, his targets - wizards, sorcerers, mages and all that possesses the arcane arts. He is able to steal these powers for his own using phantom entanglement. Arawn chops off the hands of his captured bounties and uses them as substitutes for his missing left hand, as well as possessing the magic abilities of that hands owner.

Character Design Process

From the early stage of the characters design I new I wanted the bounty hunter to collect hands. Using this as a starting point, I begun creating quick designs sketches, all that involved his hand collection. I used many methods to get out my ideas from basic sketches to silhouettes. Once had all my ideas out, I frankensteined all the best ideas together to create the chosen character. Lastly, I did some colour exploration before ultimately choosing the red and white design

Arawn's Hideout

Arawns Hideout. What was once a wizards tower that stood upright on the surface came under Arawns possession has he teleported the entire tower underground, hanging above a graveyard of giants

Environment Process

I started the environment with some value sketches of the idea of an upside down wizards tower. After choosing design 4 I iterated on the towers design and then created the tower in blender, and then brought that back into 2d to create a paintover for the final mood painting


Urban Shell is a 2 player  co-op horror / shooter with a dieselpunk aesthetic

Douglas and Martha arm up to fight against the hordes of Leeches, a militia cult that's obsessed with blood and machine 


For the 2 player characters I wanted to keep their designs simple while also reflecting the setting. Keeping there designs simple means that players can easily identify each other in contrast to the enemy designs


The leeches modify and upgrade their bodies with machinery that is fuelled by blood. The more upgraded, the higher the ranking, such as the Cannon H.E.D. The highest ranking leeches pilot the Iron Cephalo-P.O.D.


Atlas was once an agent for the MARPEL Corporation, until he uncovered their dark secret and was executed and thrown of the flying city of Neo York. Thankfully due to a reboot implant in his brain and a very good cyber-surgeon he was brought back to life, half human and half machine. Its now up to Atlas how much carnage he will leave behind as we sneaks and shoots his way back to the top

Character Process

When designing Atlas I started quite broad to consider all options and began narrowing my ideas as I iterated on the design. my main focus was 'cyberpunk stealth protagonist with augmented face' and things progressed from there


In the Year 2188, sea levels have risen dramatically since the melting of the earths poles. This left hundreds of cities under water and the whole world looking for a new home. Luckily the MarPel Corporation provided humanity with a solution. Using hyper effective fuel extracted from mars, MarPel raised cities into the sky. Just don't ask about their carbon emissions...

Atlas gameplay mock up

I created this concept to give an idea of how gameplay will look when playing as Atlas, with a 3rd person perspective

Vertical City Key Art

I wanted to create one more environment within Neo York that showcases both street level and verticality

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