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Showcase 2024 - Ysée Rodrigues - Lighting / Texturing Artist

Showcase 2024 - Ysée Rodrigues - Lighting / Texturing Artist

by YseeRodrigues on 22 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Here are my favorite personal projects from 2024 at ESMA, compiled in my first entry for The Rookies. Hope you enjoy them!

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I compiled the best projects from my first and the beginning of my second year at ESMA. I concentrated mainly on the subjects of Texturing and Lighting throughout this time, with the goal of progressing with every project. I hope you enjoy!

SHOE (school project):

My first slightly complex model where I solidified the basics. I also started learning Substance Painter with this project, which was very fun and a first step into more realistic texturing.

STILL LIFE IMAGE (school project):

We had to create a still life shot, and with so much freedom in choosing the subject, I decided to go for a still image that could still tell a story. I aimed to evoke a unsettling atmosphere through expressive lighting for a specific narrative.

Responsible for all aspects


At the end of that first year, we had a final project of designing a room based on a given theme. That year, our task was to create a bar. It was a great opportunity to bring together all the skills we had learned and create our first complete CG scene.

Responsible for all aspects

REPTILE (school project) :

This project was very challenging and interesting in my learning curve. It was my first time modeling and sculpting an organic creature, as I also wanted to achieve the most realistic visual I could through the texturing and lighting. This project spread out through 3 months in total and I tried to use that time to push myself and achieve the best render I could at that time.

Responsible for all aspects

I used Maya, Zbrush, Substance Painter, Renderman, andNuke

                                                                                     Clay render

                                                                        Raw Render/Final

Thank you for your attention this far! I am excited for any futur projects I will have the chance to work  on!

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