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William Woods Digital Compositing Showreel

William Woods Digital Compositing Showreel

William Alexander Woods
by WilliamWoods on 22 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

My name is William Woods, a recent University of Hertfordshire graduate. I am specializing in compositing, and this is my most recent showreel.

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Project 1 | Descendant (Final Year Film) 

Image Replacement

For this shot in Descendant I had to replace an image. This shot was achieved by first tracking the original image. Using that track and a colour dilate I crated a clean plate of where the original image was. I then added the replacement image into the book and merging over some old paper textures alongside some brick textures to give the image more life allowing it to not seem cartoony. Finally using a mix of grades defocus and blur nodes I matched the replaced image to the plate.

Project 1 | Descendant (Final Year Film)

Hero Shot (CG Creature and Portal)

For the hero shot of our film I started off by reducing the sky as it was super blown out in our footage this allowed some of the trees and background to comeback after the grade. Following that I painted out the mole hills in this shot with UV protection, which allowed me to remove the mole hills while keeping the perspective the same. After making a clean plate I started with the CG integration matching both the creature and the portal to the scene first before starting with some more creative comp and lighting. For these creative choices I added a mixture of optical glows and volume rays to give the portal more life. As for the creature I isolated some of the exterior bone structure with cryptomatts and lighting passes to add glow to the creature drawing more attention to the face of the creature. Finally, a combination of a diffraction, chromatic aberration, and vignette node to add a final ethereal look to this shot in the film. 

Project 1 | Descendant (Final Year Film)

Creature POV Shot

This shot is our creature POV shot which is split mainly into 2 parts the first one being the clean up this was done with 2D tracks, I cleaned up the mole hills by separating the detail and the colour of the grass allowing me to grab grass textures from different parts of the plate but then blend them back in allowing me to have no visible repeating patterns. As for the POV effect this was created by first adding a grade to the edges of the plate to match the colour of the creature’s eye. Then separating the RGB channels out and adding god rays and noise to the red and green channels once combined it gives a really interesting and unique chromatic aberration effect. I then added a noise texture over everything masking out the centre which added caustics around the edge. Finally adding a lens distortion to mimic the curvature of the eye which gives the illusion of the creature having a higher FOV. 

Project 1 | Descendant (Final Year Film)

Creature Close-up (Full CG)

The close-up eye shot is a full CG shot, firstly I had to change out the reflection of the eye. This was done by using different lighting passes to isolate and remove the current reflection of the eye then using a separate eye reflection render I removed the fireflies then added out actor into the reflection. Using a cryptomatte of the eye I was only left with the section I needed to replace. I then had to use smart vectors to clean up the model itself as after rendering I noticed some UV / Normal issues with the model that caused the skin texture to shift unnaturally. Taking a still frame and combining it with the smart vector the skin no longer shifted. Finally like the hero shot I isolated the exterior bone structure of the creature and once again added a combination of diffraction, chromatic aberration, and vignette to give an ethereal look to this shot in the film.

Project 2 | Peckasso (Freelance)

Clean-up & Roto

This was a freelance project I worked on alongside my final year film. For this shot I was responsible for all the clean-up and roto. I needed to clean up a large number of objects and wires in the background that served as a distraction to this shot. I once again separated the detail and colour of the shot allowing me to paint the wood grains from different portion of the shot whilst allowing me to blend it in with the correct colours. Finally, the actor roto this just took a lot of time to complete especially some portions of the hair which was challenging at first but ended up getting a lot easier after learning how to use the open spline shape. 

Project 3 | Immemorial (Second Year Film)

Hero Shot (Body and CG Clock Comp)

Project 4 | Ad (Industry Live Brief)

Background Replacement & CG Intergration & Actor Intergration

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