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by Zyrus on 22 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

A concept for a survival game where the elements reign over the environment. Flora and Fauna in Magmel form and shape the ecosystem.

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Magmel: A mysterious continent recently discovered in the pacific, curious, the king sent out multiple expeditions to charter these lands. This prospect, was unfortunately met with many shipwrecks and deranged returners singing hymns of old. [You]An adventurer caught the next ship, in hopes to be the first to conquer the cursed earth. Your luck, however, was not better than those who embarked before you. Now stranded in the shores of unknown grounds, you must learn and adapt to such environments. Picking up previous voyagers' notes might help in filling up information.

Throughout your journey, you may find some indigenous people. It is your choice to either befriend and learn about their ways or attempt to drive them away and risk them attacking you on site. 

You can choose different spawns to change the type of challenge the player wants. The player is not limited to their spawn area.

For now, the concept is limited to the adventurer's notes

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